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Boost your ECU development with flexible calibration and bypass solutions

The image shows the ETAS EHOOKS software interface displayed on a Windows computer screen, illustrating its capabilities in ECU development, calibration, and bypass solutions for automotive applications.

ETAS EHOOKS-CAL / EHOOKS-BYP enables efficient insertion of bypass hooks into ECU software. Users can directly integrate hooks into HEX and A2L files without requiring access to software details, source code, or build environment, thereby streamlining the ECU development process.

Your benefits

Easy hook placement

Inserts bypass hooks using only HEX & A2L files.

Accurate and reliable

Achieves precise results with advanced insertion technology.

Scalable solution

Supports various hook types for flexible configurations.

Versatile, scalable solutions for ECU software development

EHOOKS supports a wide range of hook types, providing a fully scalable solution

Two developers working with the ETAS INCA EHOOKS-CAL / EHOOKS-BYP add-on
  • Constant value bypass: bypass any ECU variable with a constant value.
  • Calibration bypass: bypass any ECU variable with a calibration parameter.
  • On-target bypass: run code directly on the ECU to calculate bypass values.
  • External bypass with rapid prototyping hardware: run code directly on the powerful rapid prototyping system ES900 to calculate bypass values
EHOOKS is developed in collaboration with the Tier 1 ECU software development team, ensuring high-quality integration of hooks into ECU software, while maintaining user-friendliness.

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Technical data

Host System Requirements Minimal Recommended
Host System Requirements
PC hardware
2 GHz
3 GHz quad core
Host System Requirements
DVD-ROM drive for installation Graphics card with a resolution of at least 1024 x 768, 256 MB RAM, 16 bit color and DirectX 9
Host System Requirements
Host System Requirements
Hard disk size: min. 2 GB
Hard disk size: min. 10 GB
Host System Requirements
Operating system
Windows® 7 (32 or 64-bit), Windows® 8 (32 or 64-bit), Windows® 8.1 (32 or 64-bit), Windows® 10 (32 or 64-bit) (Support up to INCA V7.2 Service Pack 4)
This product has been developed and released for use in automotive applications. For usage in other domains please contact your ETAS representative.

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