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Training in Germany

ASCMO Coaching





dependent on the complexity of the project




You are a calibrator of automotive Electronic Control Units (ECU)! You have the need to calibrate complex ECU functions with a high number of calibration variables! These actions are required to be performed in an efficient and cost effective way! You lack the availability of test-vehicles and test-benches and would therefore prefer to work with a data based simulation model? If Yes, ETAS has a solution: ASCMO. Through powerful DoE modelling, simulation and graphical animation technologies ASCMO will enable you to improve the quality of your results, and enables you to implement procedures for data reduction and evaluation which can be initiated by the click of a button.

ASCMO-Coaching can provide you with the required capabilities and with tips and tricks on your problem at hand and at your place of business or at ETAS headquarter here in Stuttgart. The coaching will be carried out on one of your own calibration, modelling or simulation tasks so that you can directly see the benefits of ASCMO for your daily work.


Identify an applicable, real world use-case from your daily work environment

  • Review use-cases & requirements for ASCMO
  • Identify benefits of ASCMO within the use-case

Introduction to ASCMO

  • Installation & start-up
  • ASCMO data reduction
  • Modelling and simulation capabilities
  • Generation and Optimisation of calibrations

Working with ASCMO

  • Realization of the customer defined use-case
  • Common documentation of the calibration steps
  • Common realization of ASCMO projects
  • Common definition and implementation of optimisation criteria
  • Common generation and review of optimized calibrations
  • Visualisation and documentation of results
  • Implementation of ASCMO scripts


  • Basic knowledge of automotive ECU calibration processes
  • Basic simulation knowledge
  • Basic knowledge of mathematical statistics
Man sitting in an office and reading the ETAS website at a laptop display

Training Registration

Consulting, Training & Operation Services
Borsigstr. 24
DE 70469 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 3423-2283

Please contact us for available dates.