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EHOOKS – Prototyping is Rapid Again

EHOOKS – Prototyping is Rapid Again

Automotive controls engineers have traditionally used bypass rapid prototyping techniques to quickly try their new ideas before integrating them into the final embedded control unit (ECU) software. In order to make this possible, switches (or “hooks”) are required to be inserted in the ECU source code. The development disruption and costs associated with this can be extremely high. ETAS has developed a unique patent pending technology which solves this problem in a reliable way. This technology, to be productized under the name “EHOOKS”, allows the controls engineer to quickly add the necessary hooks in the base ECU software without any modifications to the source code. EHOOKS technology, therefore, enables “rapid” software prototyping and testing.


  • 영어
    PDF · 0.7 MB · 2010.09.30