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Virtualization Technology

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A handle on the future – Virtualized testing and XiL for automated driving

A handle on the future – Virtualized testing and XiL for automated driving

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have come so far that the step to automated driving is nearly within reach. But before sensor-based electronic systems can actually replace human drivers, they must be fully secured, which means nothing short of verifying error-free interaction between software/hardware systems and a variable environment. This is an enormously complex task that can be accomplished efficiently – in terms of both time and cost – only where virtual testing methods, data reuse, and artificial intelligence come together in one place.

Authors: Dr. Jürgen Häring, Joachim Löchner, Thomas Schöpfner, ETAS GmbH
Automobil Elektronik 05-06 / 2018



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