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Middleware Solution, RTA, Virtualization Technology

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Virtual ECUs in Production Vehicles? ETAS Lightweight Hypervisor provides flexibility, efficiency, and security

Agile software development is a growing trend in the automotive industry. The idea is that customers should be able to upgrade and update software-controlled vehicle functions without any safety or security concerns. This presupposes a strict separation between individual software functions. For hardware, however, the trend is moving in the opposite direction, with more and more functions running on central ECUs. To resolve this contradiction, Bosch Automotive Electronics is using the new Lightweight Hypervisor from ETAS.


Michael Hauser is Team Leader for Software Development at Bosch Automotive Electronics in Stuttgart.
Dr. James Dickie is Product Manager RTA Solutions at ETAS Ltd in York, United Kingdom.
Dr. Nigel Tracey is General Manager at ETAS Ltd in York, United Kingdom.

Design & Elektronik


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