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제목 [Use Case] DriveRecorder for Remote Calibration: Remotely connect and calibrate with ES820 |
DriveRecorder for Remote Calibration: Remotely connect and calibrate with ES820
Do you know the challenge?
You are a fleet manager or calibrator engineer, and you want to update the ECU with a new dataset of optimized calibrations. The test vehicles are currently running somewhere in the world collecting data with the old datasets, at least until the end of the work shift.
Our solution
ES820 & Remote Calibration add-on
The high-performance DriveRecorder ES820 is capable of supporting Wifi connection via a 3rd-party adapter and mobile router, which makes it remotely reachable. Moreover, ES820 can be equipped with the new Remote Button, a 3rd Party Touchscreen monitor, and with the ad-hoc developed Remote Calibration Add-on, in order to ensure easy and safe control and monitoring of the calibration process for the driver.
- 영어
PDF · 2.1 MB · 2020.06.18