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제품군 / 카테고리 ES800, INCA |
제품 / 주제 ES820, INCA V7.2, ODX-LINK |
형태 FAQ / Use Case |
제목 [Use Case] DriveRecorder for Diagnostic Data: INCA-ODX Add-on for ES820 |
DriveRecorder for Diagnostic Data: INCA-ODX Add-on for ES820
Do you know the challenge?
You are a calibration engineer and you want your DriveRecorder to be able to record some signals from the OBD interface for diagnostic purposes.
Our solution
ES820 & INCA-ODX Add-on
The built-in INCA-ODX add-on for DriveRecorder is able to record and validate the signals coming from the OBD interface together with the ones coming from ECUs, sensors, CAN/LIN/FLX busses. Moreover, it is possible to read and clear fault memory, to trigger the recording by diagnostic events, and to use the existing ETAS measurement and calibration hardware modules.
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PDF · 0.7 MB · 2020.06.18