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제품군 / 카테고리 ES600 |
제품 / 주제 ES620 |
형태 Flyer / Brochure / White Paper |
제목 ES620 플라이어 |
ES620 - Thermo Module of the Compact Device Family
Functions at a Glance
- 16 electrically isolated measuring channels for temperature sensors
- Measuring channels electrically isolated from the supply voltage
- Adjustable acquisition rate per channel; 10 samples/s to 0.1 samples/s
- Parameterized software filter for signal smoothing
- High measuring accuracy through 21 Bit resolution
- Automotive measuring range of -210 °C to 1372 °C (-346 °F to 2502 °F)
- Use of J, K and N type thermocouples
- Data transfer to PC via Ethernet
- Solid, functional metal housing
- Member of the ETAS Tool Family – supported by INCA
- Calibration service
- 일본어
PDF · 235.5 KB · 2023.06.28