

다운로드 파일이 준비되었습니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시오.

제품군 / 카테고리

ESCRYPT, Middleware Solution, Multiple Families, RTA

제품 / 주제

AUTOSAR Adaptive, multiple products, RTA-VRTE, Security


RealTimes Article


Successful together! Coordinated development solutions are the key to success

Successful together!

Coordinated development solutions are the key to success

Transition, change, transformation, and uncertainty are probably the best words to describe the current situation in the automotive industry. E-mobility, connectivity, (partially) automated driving, mobility services, automotive apps … The list of technical challenges goes on and on. What will be launched onto the market – and how quickly? No one knows exactly. However, they have one thing in common: software plays the leading role in most innovations.


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    PDF · 245.8 KB · 2021.04.22
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    PDF · 0.6 MB · 2021.09.03