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RealTimes Article


A journey of discovery through ECU software: How EHANDBOOK makes calibration more efficient

A journey of discovery through ECU software

How EHANDBOOK makes calibration more efficient

With the growing scale and complexity of ECU software in recent years, understanding signal flows and dependencies in ECU software has become an increasingly difficult and time-consuming task. In the field of ECU calibration, many automakers use ETAS EHANDBOOK as a form of interactive documentation that enables them to gain a better and faster understanding of how the ECU software works. In this article, two users from Audi, Christophe Fauqueux and Patrick Nohe, and ETAS expert Dr. Patrick Frey explain how EHANDBOOK can be used to make day-to-day work more efficient.


  • 영어
    PDF · 297.0 KB · 2021.04.22
  • 독일어
    PDF · 307.2 KB · 2021.04.22
  • 일본어
    PDF · 0.6 MB · 2021.09.03