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INTECRIOINTECRIO-RLINKManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO-RLINK V5.0 Getting Started INTECRIO-RLINK V5.0 Getting Started2022.06.02
INTECRIOINTECRIO-RLINKManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO-RLINK Release Notes INTECRIO-RLINK V5.0.2 Release Notes2022.06.02
INTECRIOINTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseHow to integrate INTECRIO MATLAB® and Simulink® connectivity How to integrate INTECRIO MATLAB® and Simulink® connectivity

MATLAB® and Simulink® connectivity is provided by the INTECRIO integration platform without the need of further add-on installations. Though the integration in Simulink needs to be done – this can achieved in two ways which are in described in the “Answer” section.

INTECRIOINTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseModel Settings for the INTECRIO Blockset in Matlab Simulink Model Settings for the INTECRIO Blockset  in Matlab Simulink

This FAQ focuses on MATLAB® and Simulink® connectivity and the model settings you need to make in Simulink®

INTECRIOINTECRIOManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO V5.0 Online Help INTECRIO V5.0 Online Help2021.11.03
INTECRIO, …ES830, INTECRIO, XETKRealTimes ArticleNext generation large scale prototyping Next generation large scale prototyping ETAS comprehensively supports Nissan’s model-based development

Model-based design/development (MBD) and Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) are essential for developing high quality control software with higher efficiency. However, in the case of large scale software – such as engine control – up to now, RCP could only be used for some parts of the development process. Nissan Motor Corporation …

INTECRIOINTECRIO-RLINKManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO-RLINK V5.0 Online Help for RP Blockset INTECRIO-RLINK V5.0 Online Help for RP Blockset

INTECRIO-RLINK – Simulink® Blockset for rapid and easy in-vehicle testing

INTECRIO, …INCA V7.3, INTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseCan I make a Testpoint in Simulink available as a Measurement Label

This document describes how to configure a testpoint in Simulink to get it available as a measurement label in ETAS INTECRIO Experiment Environment or in INCA.

INTECRIOINTECRIOManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO V4.7 Online Help 2021.01.08
INTECRIOINTECRIOKnown Issue ReportKnown Issue 리포트 INTECRIO

Known Issue 리포트 INTECRIO

이타스 제품은 세심한 개발과 광범위한 릴리스 테스트를 거치지만, 간혹 제품이 시장에 출시된 후에 결함이 발견되기도 합니다. 이타스는 정기적인 유지 보수와 개발 활동의 과정에서 가벼운 문제들을 해결하고 있습니다.

더 중대한 문제에 대해 이타스는 고객들께 보고된 …

INTECRIO, …ES910, HSP, INTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseES910: Logging 2020.08.11