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ISOLARISOLAR-A, …FAQ / Use CaseSystem Graphical Overview for AUTOSAR projects in ISOLAR-A

In ISOLAR-A V9.4 there is a new feature available named System Graphical Overview: There is System Architecture View which is for visualizing the system graphically, it shows how all the ECUs in the system are connected with clusters and gateways. And there is ECU Instance View which is for graphically visualizing the communication of frames and signals between the ECUs in a specific cluster.

In this article, Steffen Roser …

ISOLAR, Middleware Solution, RTAISOLAR-A, …FAQ / Use CaseHow to change naming convention for components

Creating several components with similar names or the same prefix works like a charm with naming rules in ISOLAR-A.
In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS) provides the single steps one has to take to define her own naming rule in ISOLAR-A.

ISOLAR, Middleware Solution, RTAISOLAR-A, …FAQ / Use CaseHow to create MS Excel report of AUTOSAR use cases in ISOLAR-A How to create MS Excel report of AUTOSAR use cases in ISOLAR-A

ISOLAR-A V9.4 comes with a bran new feature called Report Generation. It let's you generate Excel reports regarding different AUTOSAR use cases with just a few mouse clicks.

In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS), shows you these few mouse clicks.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseIs there an ISOLAR-A version that is compatible to Microsoft Windows 10?

Is there an ISOLAR-A version that is compatible to Microsoft Windows 10?

ISOLAR-A V9.2.1 (and ISOLAR-(A)B V2) is compatible to Microsoft Windows 10. If you want to upgrade the operating system of your desktop machine to Microsoft Windows 10 and you wonder which version of ETAS ISOLAR-EVE will work there: Go for ISOLAR-A V9.2.1 or greater.

ISOLARISOLAR-A, …FAQ / Use CaseLooking for some AUTOSAR ARXML file for CAN network? Looking for some AUTOSAR ARXML file for CAN network?

Are you looking for some AUTOSAR ARXML files, for example for CAN network? Do you want to know how to create such a file?

In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS), provides the single steps you can follow to get from DBC to ARXML.

ISOLARISOLAR-A, …FAQ / Use Case[ ISOLAR ] How to get to the Tab Entity to Task Mapping How to get to the Tab Entity to Task Mapping

In case you want to edit entity to task mapping in your AUTOSAR project and cannot remember how to navigate to the according editor.

In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS), shows how to get there.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseHow to search in AUTOSAR files

ISOLAR-A comes with search functionality. For example it is possible to search through AUTOSAR files by 'shortname'. Searching by other attributes is not possible at the moment. In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer Software Engineering), describes a workaround.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseQuick Fix does not work from context menu in ISOLAR

The Quick Fix feature in ISOLAR-A offers fast and comfortable solution when there is an error message. In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer Software Engineering) describes when Quick Fix works and when not.

ISOLAR, Middleware Solution, RTAISOLAR-A, …FAQ / Use CaseError E16-2004: ... XML Error -- 'no declaration found for element '''

It may happen that you get an error message while running RTE, for example while developing AUTOSAR software in ISOLAR-A. This article provides steps to analyse and solve this situation.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseCreate System Extract dialog: How to get there?

ISOLAR-A let's you easily create System Extract for ECUs. This article describes how to get to the Create System Extract dialog.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use Case[ ISOLAR-A ] The selected System does not have any ECU Instance The selected System does not have any ECU Instance

It may happen that you receive following info from ISOLAR-A: 'The selected System does not have any ECU Instance'. This article describes how to create an ECU instance to resolve that situation.
