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ISOLAR, …ETAS License Manager (LiMa)FAQ / Use CaseInstallation of component ETAS License Manager (x86) failed. Error Code 1603

Installation or uninstallation of any ETAS product failed. Error message was: Installation of Package 'ETAS License Manager (x86)' failed with error code '1603' and error message 'Fatal error during installation.'. This behavior occurs for many reasons and also specific to the system. The most often reasons and according resolutions are listed in this FAQ article.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseWhere to find an AUTOSAR example project

ISOLAR-A comes with several AUTOSAR example projects

ISOLAR, …ES891, ES892, ISOLAR-EVERealTimes ArticleVirtual ECUs

ETAS ISOLAR-EVE in application

Developing new, electronically controlled vehicle functions involves a number of discrete stages:
design, prototyping, implementation, verification, integration, and validation. However, these
can all be seamlessly connected by using virtual ECUs. Virtual ECUs can be duplicated any number
of times, which makes it easier for work processes to be performed in parallel and for …

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseUse Case: Using APACHE ANT for automation in ISOLAR-A Using APACHE ANT for automation in ISOLAR-A

There are a lot of time consuming, repeating standard tasks in the modeling of AUTOSAR Systems. ISOLAR-A can easily be automated by employing the power of the integrated Apache ANT. This saves time and frees brain power for the core task at hand: The modeling of the System. It also guarantees higher quality results  by avoiding errors during repetitive chores.

ISOLAR, …INTECRIO, ISOLAR-EVE, LABCAR-OPERATORManual / Technical DocumentationExperiment Environment V3.7 Online Help 2016.09.22
ISOLAR, …ASCET V6.4, ASCET-DIFF, ASCMO, EHANDBOOK, ETAS License Manager (LiMa), …Known Issue ReportKnown Issue 리포트 ETAS License Manager (LiMa)

Known Issue 리포트 ETAS License Manager (LiMa)

이타스 제품은 세심한 개발과 광범위한 릴리스 테스트를 거치지만, 간혹 제품이 시장에 출시된 후에 결함이 발견되기도 합니다. 이타스는 정기적인 유지 보수와 개발 활동의 과정에서 가벼운 문제들을 해결하고 있습니다.

더 중대한 문제에 대해 이타스는 고객들께 보고된 …

ISOLAR, …AUTOSAR, RTA-BSWRealTimes Article"Open Source" - AUTOSAR "Open Source" - AUTOSAR

The AUTOSAR development partnership started more than ten years ago with the promise to manage the increasing electrical/electronic complexity in different domains. The objective was to lower the cost of standardized basic software, support safety, maintainability, and exchangeability while enabling more powerful tool chains to be constructed through standardized interfaces.
