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COSYMCOSYMManual / Technical DocumentationCOSYM Getting Started Guide 2022.09.17
COSYMCOSYMManual / Technical DocumentationCOSYM Release Notes 2022.09.17
COSYMCOSYMManual / Technical DocumentationCOSYM Software Compatibility List 2022.09.17
COSYMCOSYMKnown Issue ReportKnown Issue Report COSYM Known Issue Report COSYM

Even after careful development and extensive release testing, we occasionally find defects in our products after they have been released into the marketplace. We correct minor problems in the course of our regular maintenance and development activities.

For more significant problems, we publish a Known Issue Report (KIR) to inform you about the technical effects of a known problem as well as offer …

ASCMO, COSYM, EATBCOSYM, …RealTimes ArticleDeveloping low-emission powertrains with AI and in the cloud Developing low-emission powertrains with AI and in the cloud Huge efficiency gains from cloud-based simulation

The adoption of real-world driving emissions in vehicle emissions legislation has introduced a new measure of complexity to powertrain development, which was already a costly and complex process. To prevent further escalation of the time and cost involved, ETAS is pushing ahead with the virtualization of road and bench testing. …

COSYM, ES500, ES800, INCA, ISOLAR, Multiple FamiliesCOSYM, …FAQ / Use CaseBOA: Configure Logger

Is BOA ("Basic Open API") writing to a log file?
In this document, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS) describes how to configure the BOA logger.

COSYMCOSYM, …RealTimes Article충전 관리의 완전 제어와 그 이상을 향해 VCU를위한미래형테스트시스템

특별히전기차에있어서, Vehicle control unit(이하“VCU”)의역할이점점중요해지고있습니다. VCU는충전관리를포함한컴퓨팅집약적인파워트레인의모든구성요소를조율하는기능을담당하기때문입니다.이에따라 VCU 테스트환경은 end-to-end 가상화에적합하도록설계되어야합니다.

COSYMCOSYM, …RealTimes Article클라우드에서의 가상 ECU 이타스 ISOLAR-EVE와 COSYM의결합이가져올시너지효과

AUTOSAR를준수하는소프트웨어와미준수애플리케이션코드가결합된경우에도차량컴포넌트들의물리적 co-simulation과동시적인 ECU네트워크시뮬레이션을통해병렬적이고확장가능하며효율적인검증이가 능합니다. 클라우드에서의가상 ECU 검증은그장점이매우큽니다. …

COSYMCOSYM비디오COSYM – How to set up a SiL simulation

Control unit functions can be mapped to software components which can be tested in software-in-the-loop environments (SiL).

ETAS COSYM enables continuous MiL/SiL/HiL (XiL) testing of systems, paying special attention to control unit networks.

This video shows how a virtual test system simulation can be conducted using COSYM.



COSYM provides a REST API Interface. With this framework, the server, client and documentation are synchronized.

The video explains the “Demonstration on REST APIs”, which is shipped with the COSYM Product.



이타스 유투브 채널에서 더 많은 비디오를 …

COSYMCOSYM비디오COSYM – Tool Coupling: Example with Matlab®/Simulink®

The Tool Coupling feature in ETAS COSYM is used to connect to various simulation tools. Currently, COSYM supports tool coupling with MATLAB®/Simulink®.
In few cases, some of the native models cannot be imported into COSYM (example: when the source code of a model is not available).
In that case, you can run the simulation of such models natively in the MATLAB®/Simulink® application itself, and use the results in the SiL …
