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ESCRYPT, LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR System, Security기술관련기사 또는 논문Successful security tests using fuzzing and HiL test systems

Successful security tests using fuzzing and HiL test systems

In automotive development, it is a given that hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) systems undergo systematic testing to ensure functional safety. These tests verify whether the tested system behaves correctly and reliably as per functional requirements, and whether it goes into safe mode in case of a malfunction. Safeguards against unauthorized access require …

ASCMO, INCAINCA-FLOW기술관련기사 또는 논문가솔린 엔진 최적화 (ATZelektronik)

엄격해진 RDE 테스트 조건을 충족하기 위해서는 엔진의 전 운전영역에 대해 최적화해야 하며,   가우시안 프로세스 (Gaussian process)가 이를 가능케 해줍니다. 이러한 머신러닝 방법을 통해 테스트베드에서 엔진을 높은 확률로 시뮬레이션 할 수 있습니다. 또한 새로운 방법은 특정 캘리브레이션 프로젝트에서 엔진 테스트 스탠드의 …

EVE, ISOLAR, Virtualization TechnologyAUTOSAR, ISOLAR-EVEFAQ / Use CaseAUTOSAR authoring tool necessary for generating Virtual Electronic Control Unit (VECU) in ISOLAR-EVE?

Do I need an AUTOSAR authoring tool when I want to test AUTOSAR software components? In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer Software Engineering at ETAS), answers this questions and provides hints where to find further documentation and tutorials to get you started!

INTECRIOINTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseHow to enable the Open Experiment menu option in INTECRIO

In INTECRIO under menu Experiment there is the feature "Open Experiment". Sometimes it is gray (not active). In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer Software Engineering at ETAS) describes how to activate this feature.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseHow to search in AUTOSAR files

ISOLAR-A comes with search functionality. For example it is possible to search through AUTOSAR files by 'shortname'. Searching by other attributes is not possible at the moment. In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer Software Engineering), describes a workaround.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseQuick Fix does not work from context menu in ISOLAR

The Quick Fix feature in ISOLAR-A offers fast and comfortable solution when there is an error message. In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer Software Engineering) describes when Quick Fix works and when not.

INCAINCA V7.2Manual / Technical DocumentationINCA V7.2 Quick Start Guide

INCA V7.2 Quick Start Guide

Middleware SolutionRTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationRTA-OS RH850/WindRiver Port Datasheet 2017.06.30
Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationRTA-OS RH850/WindRiver Port Guide 2017.06.30
Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationRTA-OS RH850/WindRiver Release Note 2017.06.30

This video shows how to use the Block Diagram Editor in an ASCET-DEVELOPER project.



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