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ETK / XETK / FETKFETK-S1, FETK-S2, FETK-T1, FETK-T3, FETK-T4Flyer / Brochure / White PaperFETK – ECU Interfaces FETK – ECU 인터페이스

FETK ECU 인터페이스는 ECU에 매우 강력 하게 액세스할 수 있도록 해줍니다. FETK를 이용 하면 빠른 데이터 전송속도로 ECU를 검증 하고 캘리브레이션할 수 있으며, 실시간으로 자동차 제어기의 새로운 기능을 프로토타이핑 하는 것이 가능합니다.


최고 20 MB/s의 높은 데이터 …
ES800ES820Flyer / Brochure / White PaperFlyer ES820 – Drive Recorder Module ES820 – Drive Recorder Module

The drive recorder module of the ES800 measurement, calibration, and prototyping system can be used for a variety of measurement tasks in the development, calibration, and validation of electronic vehicle systems.

At a Glance

Next-generation drive recorder module for challenging in-vehicle measurement applications Unattended measurement and recording of data from ECUs, …
ES800ES891, ES892Flyer / Brochure / White PaperFlyer ES891 / ES892 – FETK ECU and Bus Interface Module ES891 / ES892 – FETK ECU 및 버스 인터페이스 모듈

ES891 / ES892 ECU 및 버스 인터페이스 모듈은 모듈형 ES800 측정, 캘리브레이션 및 프로토타이핑 시스템의 핵심 구성요소입니다. 이 타 스 의 ES891 / ES892 모 듈 은 FETK, INCA와 함께 자동차 및 테스트 벤치에서 전자 시스템의 검증과 캘리브레이션을 위한 미래의 솔루션을 …

INCAINCA-RDEFlyer / Brochure / White PaperFlyer INCA-RDE 2023.06.28
ES900, INCAES910, INCA-MCEFlyer / Brochure / White PaperINCA-MCE 플라이어

Measurement and Calibration Embedded

Functions at a Glance:

Fast ECU access for test bench automation systems Measurement, calibration, and control in millisecond cycles Real-time solution using the ETAS ES910.3 platform EtherCAT and iLinkRT™ interface Name-based exchange …
INCAINCA-TOUCHFlyer / Brochure / White PaperINCA-TOUCH Flyer ETAS Engineering Solution INCA-TOUCH
Measuring and calibrating during test drives

Due to considerable safety risks, more and more companies are prohibiting the use of laptops during test drives. Engineers nevertheless must take measurements to validate and calibrate the behavior of individual vehicle functions. For this purpose, they can use the INCA-TOUCH interface to operate ETAS INCA via touchscreen or with voice …

Consulting, ESCRYPTSecurityFlyer / Brochure / White PaperESCRYPT security trainings and coachings 2023.06.10
COSYM, Cloud Services, Multiple Families, Virtualization TechnologyCOSYM, Cybersecurity Solutions, CycurFUZZ, MODEL-SIMULATOR, Security, …Flyer / Brochure / White PaperSolutions for SiL Testing in the Cloud Solutions for SiL Testing in the Cloud

Efficient solutions for virtual testing with dramatic increase in simulation speed for:

creation, debugging and pre-calibration of virtual ECUs automated fuzz testing to fulfill automotive cybersecurity regulations and standards like UN R 155 and ISO 21434 automated component testing on vehicle level parallel simulation execution in the cloud, ready for CI/CD pipeline integration
Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS Automotive India Private LimitedTerms and ConditionsSpecific Terms and Conditions for Software as a Service for MODEL SIMULATOR 2023.06.07
Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS Automotive India Private LimitedTerms and ConditionsTerms and Conditions for Consulting and Cyber Security Services 2023.06.07
Consulting, ESCRYPTCycurFUZZ, SecurityFlyer / Brochure / White PaperSmart fuzz testing for automotive systems: ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ 2023.06.05