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INTECRIOINTECRIO-RLINKManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO-RLINK V5.0 入门简介 INTECRIO-RLINK V5.0 Getting Started2022/06/02
INTECRIOINTECRIO-RLINKManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO-RLINK Release Notes INTECRIO-RLINK V5.0.2 Release Notes2022/06/02
INTECRIOINTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseHow to integrate INTECRIO MATLAB® and Simulink® connectivity How to integrate INTECRIO MATLAB® and Simulink® connectivity

MATLAB® and Simulink® connectivity is provided by the INTECRIO integration platform without the need of further add-on installations. Though the integration in Simulink needs to be done – this can achieved in two ways which are in described in the “Answer” section.

INTECRIOINTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseModel Settings for the INTECRIO Blockset in Matlab Simulink Model Settings for the INTECRIO Blockset  in Matlab Simulink

This FAQ focuses on MATLAB® and Simulink® connectivity and the model settings you need to make in Simulink®

INTECRIOINTECRIOManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO V5.0 Online Help INTECRIO V5.0 Online Help2021/11/03
INTECRIO, …ES830, INTECRIO, XETKRealTimes ArticleNext generation large scale prototyping Next generation large scale prototyping ETAS comprehensively supports Nissan’s model-based development

Model-based design/development (MBD) and Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) are essential for developing high quality control software with higher efficiency. However, in the case of large scale software – such as engine control – up to now, RCP could only be used for some parts of the development process. Nissan Motor Corporation …

INTECRIOINTECRIO-RLINKManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO-RLINK V5.0 Online Help for RP Blockset INTECRIO-RLINK V5.0 Online Help for RP Blockset

INTECRIO-RLINK – Simulink® Blockset for rapid and easy in-vehicle testing

INTECRIO, …INCA V7.3, INTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseCan I make a Testpoint in Simulink available as a Measurement Label

This document describes how to configure a testpoint in Simulink to get it available as a measurement label in ETAS INTECRIO Experiment Environment or in INCA.

INTECRIOINTECRIOManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO V4.7 Online Help 2021/01/08
INTECRIOINTECRIOKnown Issue Report已发布的INTECRIO报告 2020/12/08
INTECRIO, …ES910, HSP, INTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseES910: Logging 2020/08/11