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INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseIs it possible to convert multiple MF4 files to .DAT format using a batch job?

This document describes the batch file which is required to convert multiple measure files from MF4 to .DAT format.

INCAMDA视频指南MDA V8.5.7 What’s New Presentation Video MDA V8.5.7 What’s New Presentation

In this video Matthias Gekeler, Product Manager of ETAS MDA, will guide you through the new features introduced in MDA V8.5.7.

Presented topics are:

0:25 Support of additional meta information for signals 0:59 Use of „FUNCTION“ and „GROUP“ options in MDF V4 files 2:38 Defining the structure of signal name, device and unit in textual measure files 4:44 More flexible …
INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseWhy does the GPS tool display only a blue field instead of the expected map? Why does the GPS tool (since MDA V7.2 SP15 and MDA V8.4) display only a blue field instead of the expected map?

This document describes how the correct GPS data can be displayed in case of en exception with MDA V7.2 or MDA V8.4.

INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseHow can I change the signal configuration in MDA V8?

This article describes how to change the signal configuration in MDA V8.

INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseHow can I create offline maps for MDA V7.2 and use them?

This document describes the creation of offline GPS maps to use it with MDA V7.2

INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseHow can I detect a rising or falling edge of a digital signal in MDA V8? How can I detect a rising or falling edge of a digital signal in MDA V8?

This article describes the usage of the formula "Gradient" to detect rising or falling edges of a digital signal in MDA V8.

INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseHow can I search for all instances of a used signal in MDA V8?

This document describes how you can search a variable in all instances in MDA V8.This document describes how you can search a variable in all instances in MDA V8.

INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseHow to Display the toolbar in MDA Oscilloscope

If the toolbar is hidden the button Show Toolbar is not visible. This article gives advise how to make the toolbar visible.

INCAMDA, …FAQ / Use CaseInstallation issue Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable

Installation of HSP Update-Tool, MDA or INCA aborts because MS VC++ 2015 cannot be installed because MS VC++ 2017 still exists.

INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseMDA V8.x에서 Pi(3.141592…) 만들어 활용하는 방법이 있나요? MDA V8.x에서 Pi(3.141592…) 만들어 활용하는 방법이 있나요?

MDA V8.x에서 Pi(3.141592…) 만들어 활용하는 방법을 안내해 드립니다.

INCAMDA, …FAQ / Use Case최신 INCA 및 MDA설치 시 유의사항과 요구되는 최소 시스템 사양이 어떻게 되나요? 최신 INCA 및 MDA설치 시 유의사항과 요구되는 최소 시스템 사양이 어떻게 되나요?

최신 INCA 및 MDA설치 시 유의사항과 요구되는 최소 시스템 사양에 대해 상세히 안내해 드립니다.
