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CorporateCorporateRealTimes Article준비, 시작! 이타스홈페이지개편

E이타스가오랫동안공들여준비한새로운웹사이트가 2019년 7월 16일, 드디어오픈했습니다! 새로운웹사이트는 6개언어를지원하며 17,000 페이지이상의내용을담고있습니다.

CorporateASCMORealTimes Article국민대학교와의 성공적 협업 사례

국민대학교가 이타스 및 이타스 ASCMO의 지원을 바탕으로 한국자동차공학회 주최 자작자동차대회에서 포뮬라부문 1등을 거머쥐었습니다.

Multiple FamiliesASCMORealTimes Article틀을 깨는 사고 이타스 ASCMO, 브라질에서모델링작업에힘실어


CorporateVMS (Vehicle Management Solution)RealTimes ArticleVehicle Management System으로비용절감실현 차량개발가속화및 fleet 관리의효율화

이타스의 Vehicle Management Solution (이하“VMS”)은클라우드에기반한통합웹연결솔루션으로, 차량개발의효율성을도모하기위해설계된첨단제품입니다. VMS를사용하면언제어디서든개발차량에접근하여측정데이터확인, 새로운버전의소프트웨어설치, 진단목적의차량상태정보요청등이가능합니다. …

COSYMCOSYM, ISOLAR-EVERealTimes Article클라우드에서의 가상 ECU 이타스 ISOLAR-EVE와 COSYM의결합이가져올시너지효과

AUTOSAR를준수하는소프트웨어와미준수애플리케이션코드가결합된경우에도차량컴포넌트들의물리적 co-simulation과동시적인 ECU네트워크시뮬레이션을통해병렬적이고확장가능하며효율적인검증이가 능합니다. 클라우드에서의가상 ECU 검증은그장점이매우큽니다. …

ES800, INCAES820, INCA V7.2, ODX-LINKFAQ / Use Case[Use Case] DriveRecorder for Diagnostic Data: INCA-ODX Add-on for ES820 DriveRecorder for Diagnostic Data: INCA-ODX Add-on for ES820 Do you know the challenge?

You are a calibration engineer and you want your DriveRecorder to be able to record some signals from the OBD interface for diagnostic purposes.

Our solution

ES820 & INCA-ODX Add-on
The built-in INCA-ODX add-on for DriveRecorder is able to record and validate the signals coming from the OBD interface together …

ES800ES820FAQ / Use Case[Use Case] DriveRecorder for Remote Calibration: Remotely connect and calibrate with ES820 DriveRecorder for Remote Calibration: Remotely connect and calibrate with ES820 Do you know the challenge?

You are a fleet manager or calibrator engineer, and you want to update the ECU with a new dataset of optimized calibrations. The test vehicles are currently running somewhere in the world collecting data with the old datasets, at least until the end of the work shift.

Our solution

ES820 & Remote Calibration …

ES800ES820FAQ / Use Case[Use Case] DriveRecorder Server Connection: Connectivity features for ES820 DriveRecorder Server Connection: Connectivity features for ES820 Do you know the challenge?

You are a calibration engineer and you want your DriveRecorder to be able to be connected to a server, where you
can upload current measurement files and download new experiments, ECU softwares and more.

Our solution

ES820 Server Connection
The built-in client for (S)FTP servers of the Driverecorder can …

ES800, ES900, INCAES820, ES910, INCA-EIPFAQ / Use Case[Use Case] DriveRecorder with experimental target: Record experimental software with ES820 DriveRecorder with experimental target: Record experimental software with ES820 Do you know the challenge?

You are a calibration engineer and you want your DriveRecorder to be able to record some signals generated by a rapid prototyping simulation, e.g. created in ASCET and exported to INTECRIO. You also want these simulations to able to send CAN or Flexray signals as output.

Our solution

ES820 & INCA-EIP …

INCAINCA V7.2SoftwareINCA V7.2 Service Pack 17 INCA V7.2 Service Pack 17

This INCA Service Pack supports the efficient usage of INCA. It contains the most current enhancements and bug fixes for INCA and the recommended INCA Add-Ons.

Important: Please make sure that downloaded content is recognized by Windows as trusted.
After having downloaded the ZIP file, select "Properties" via right-click -> "General" Layer -> press "Unblock" button at Security …

ETK / XETK / FETKCBE2xx, XETK Interface CableManual / Technical DocumentationCBE230 Users Guide 2020.06.11