October 9-10 in Stuttgart

ETAS Connections 2024

We are delighted to announce our ETAS Connections this October, and we cordially invite you to participate. The event is our annual customer and partner gathering, scheduled for October 9-10, 2024, at the Wagenhallen Stuttgart.  

Under the theme "Collaboration is key: Let's shape future automotive software together with open source!", we will delve into cutting-edge topics such as software-defined vehicles, middleware solutions, ADAS, Software Factory, Open Source, and much more.  

We are setting up a lineup of inspiring speakers, high-profile experts, and partners to discuss the future of automotive software together with you. The event will address the key challenges: faster development, cost efficiency, low boundaries, and collaboration. Together, we can harness our collective expertise to innovate and create solutions that advance the industry. By joining forces, we unlock new possibilities, overcome challenges, and pioneer technologies that enhance the automotive industry.

Places are limited, so save the date for our next ETAS Connections on October 9 and 10, 2024 in Stuttgart and secure your ticket today.  

Select which day suits you best:  

October 9, 2024

Business Day

keynotes, expert presentations, panel discussions, exhibition


Target group: Executives, decision makers,  business enablers, industry leaders, IT professionals, innovators.


Request your ticket now!

October 10, 2024

Developer Day

keynote, coding sessions, ask the experts, exhibition


Target group: Developers, product owners, product managers, engineers, UX experts, and tech enthusiasts.


Request your ticket now! 

Participation is free of charge, and the event will be held in English. 

On this page we will inform you in the coming weeks about speakers and topics of the event.

More to come shortly – stay tuned!

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us!

We would be delighted to welcome you to ETAS Connections 2024.