Designing New Functions

ETAS solutions for fast control functions

Electric motors require high-speed control functions because the torque produced follows current directly. This means that time behavior has become more important in development, prototyping and testing.

Rapid Prototyping

The rapid prototyping approach facilitates cycle times of down to 200 μs. Therefore it is - in contrast to CAN based solutions - the ideal solution for fast control cycles of electrical machines.

Software Engineering

The ASCET tool was developed specifically for vehicle systems with real-time constraints. Keeping defined task runtimes, the redundancy function, the state oriented programming for battery management and the support of many important development standards such as ISO 26262 are with ASCET just as equally feasible as easy creation of AUTOSAR software components.

An innovative solution for fast measuring and calibrating is provided by the direct and fast ECU access via INCA-MCE.


An innovative solution for fast measuring and calibrating is provided by the direct and fast ECU access via INCA-MCE (Measurement and Calibration Embedded/Fast ECU Access). This enables to establish via the prototyping and interface module ES910 a direct connection between ECU test bench and calibration tool. This enables during automated calibration on the test bench up to 400 times faster calibration cycles as in conventional approaches using the ASAP3 interface. This speed advantage makes it possible to make full use of the potential of new, dynamic calibration methods and thus substantially minimize calibration times. Simultaneously, the HEV test system load decreases through fast reaction when limit values are exceeded.

Designing New Functions – Products