Man drawing on a white paper


Our Responsibility

Our Responsibility

We accept that our actions must accord with the economy, the environment, and the responsibility we take for the community at large, also with a view to future generations. For this reason, respect for people’s health and safety, or an economic use of resources, and for a natural and clean environment are basic principles of our business policy.

Declaration of corporate governance pursuant to Section 289f (4) of the German Commercial Code (HGB)

Statutory provisions require companies subject to co-determination to set and publish target quotas of women in management positions and deadlines for achieving these targets. Accordingly, ETAS GmbH hereby publishes its declaration below in accordance with Section 289f (4) of the German Commercial Code (HGB).

In December 2021, the shareholders' meeting of ETAS GmbH set targets for the proportion of women on the supervisory board and board of management of ETAS GmbH. The targets adopted by the shareholders' meeting are 33.33 percent (rounded to two decimal places) for the supervisory board and 25 percent for the board of management of ETAS GmbH. A deadline of December 31, 2025, was set for achieving both these targets.

In December 2021, the board of management of ETAS GmbH adopted targets for the proportion of women at the top two management levels below the board of management. The target for the proportion of women occupying positions at the first management level is 22.7 percent; the target for the second management level is 17.1 percent. A deadline of December 31, 2025, was set for achieving both these targets.