RealTimes – Issue 2021

RealTimes 2021 Cover (German Version


Methodologies of the future

Evolution, revolution, or out-of-the-box?
Is the automotive industry ready for its encounter with IT?

Embedded meets IT
Developing automotive embedded software using agile methodologies and SAFe

Introduction of SAFe at ETAS
Interview with Günter Gromeier and Adrian Hanussek

Successful together!
Coordinated development solutions are the key to success

Cybersecurity included
Security for AUTOSAR Adaptive architectures

Developing low-emission powertrains with AI and the cloud
Huge efficiency gains from cloud-based simulation

Successful with ETAS

Next generation large scale prototyping
ETAS comprehensively supports Nissan’s model-based development

The Challenge to develop the powertrain of the future
Successfully mastering the testing and validation of fuel cell ECUs

Complex engine simulation using LACBAR-MODEL
Tata Motors’ experience on how ETAS LABCAR-MODEL-VVTB and LABCAR-MODEL-ICE helped validate various features of an engine management system

Embedded Artificial Intelligence
New capabilities in engine controls development

Automated optimization of ECU function calibration
Hyundai Motor’s successful approach to automating and optimizing calibrations

Replacing human senses with measurement data
Scalable measurement data acquisition for ADAS development

A journey of discovery through ECU software
How EHANDBOOK makes calibration more efficient

Defining new paradigms of collaboration
Realizing solutions with INCA & beyond for vehicle fleet management

ETAS Insights

Transforming a vision into success
A journey through the history of INCA

New Board of Management at ETAS
Interview with Christoph Hartung, Günter Gromeier and Götz Nigge

Nothing left to chance
Testing highly complex ETAS hardware during manufacturing