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Product Family / Category ASCMO |
Product / Topic ASCMO |
Type Flyer / Brochure / White Paper |
Title ASCMO Flyer |
Data-based Modeling and Model-based Calibration
ETAS ASCMO is the ideal solution for databased modeling and model-based calibration. It enables users to accurately model, analyze, and optimize the behavior of complex systems with few measurements and advanced algorithms. Both steady-state and transient system behaviors can be captured.
At a Glance
- Capture of complex system behavior in both steady-state and dynamic/ transient operation using data-based models of very high quality
- Reduction of model complexity for time-critical applications and deployment in ECUs
- Efficient design of experiments (DoE) approach
- Rapid optimization of multiple targets in the entire operating range
- Easy to use, no specialist knowledge required
- Interactive graphical display of multidimensional dependencies
- Exchange of data and models in standardized formats
- Powerful MATLAB® and COM interfaces for integrating customer-specific functions and tools as well as coupling with test-bench automation
- ETAS ASCMO product model: In order to flexibly adapt the tool to the application, ETAS ASCMO comes as a basic installation with various add-ons