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Product Family / Category

Cloud Services, COSYM, Multiple Families, Virtualization Technology

Product / Topic

COSYM, Cybersecurity Solutions, CycurFUZZ, MODEL-SIMULATOR, multiple products, Security, VECU-BUILDER


Flyer / Brochure / White Paper


Solutions for SiL Testing in the Cloud

Solutions for SiL Testing in the Cloud

Efficient solutions for virtual testing with dramatic increase in simulation speed for:

  • creation, debugging and pre-calibration of virtual ECUs
  • automated fuzz testing to fulfill automotive cybersecurity regulations and standards like UN R 155 and ISO 21434
  • automated component testing on vehicle level
  • parallel simulation execution in the cloud, ready for CI/CD pipeline integration


  • English
    PDF · 378.9 KB · 06/08/2023
  • German
    PDF · 399.4 KB · 06/08/2023