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EHOOKS, INCA, INTECRIOEHOOKS, …FAQ / Use CaseConfigure the format of signal names in generated a2l file Configure the format of signal names in generated a2l file

In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS) points you to the options dialog and further information.

ASCET, EHOOKSEHOOKS, …FAQ / Use CaseEHOOKS not available in ASCET EHOOKS not available in ASCET

In case you cannot select EHOOKS in ASCET under Project Properties --> Build --> Target: In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS), shows how to fix this issue.

EHOOKS, INTECRIOEHOOKS, …FAQ / Use CaseSimulink error when generating code: Undefined function or variable 'common_simulink_utils'. Simulink error when generating code: Undefined function or variable 'common_simulink_utils'.

In case Simulink gives you the error "Undefined function or variable 'common_simulink_utils'.": In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS) shows you how to fix it.

EHOOKSEHOOKSFAQ / Use CaseUse Case: External signals in internal bypass

External signals in internal bypass
Using EHOOKS to read additional signals in on-target software

Internal bypass is a fast way to test or validate new or extended functions in the real ECU environment without struggling with the complex ECU's build process. With EHOOKS, using internal bypass has become a very simple and easy to use task. The user just needs to select the variables to be …

ASCET, EHOOKSEHOOKS, …FAQ / Use CaseWhat is saved in NVRAM?

The size of NVRAM is limited. You may want to know which values are stored there or you even get an error message saying that there is no more free space in the NVRAM. This article shows which variables are saved in the NVRAM.

ASCET, EHOOKSEHOOKS, …FAQ / Use CaseWhich ASCET version is required for which EHOOKS version?

There are several versions Of ASCET and several versions of EHOOKS out there. This article gives an overview which ASCET version and which EHOOKS version fit together best.

EHOOKSEHOOKSFAQ / Use CaseWhere are EHOOKS log files?

This article provides information where to find log information of EHOOKS.

EHOOKS, INCAEHOOKS, …FAQ / Use CaseEHOOKS Hook Unlocker - INCA locked - please cancel unlocking to unlock INCA

An active ASAP3 connection in INCA may get lost when activating Hook Unlocker. This article describes the root cause and provides steps to solve the situation.

EHOOKSEHOOKSFAQ / Use CaseMultiple versions of EHOOKS on 1 computer

This article describes how to handle multiple EHOOKS versions on one machine. For example: How to switch between several EHOOKS versions.


EHOOKS Forced Write

For Variable Hooks the Forced Write option can be activated and attached to an ECU function.

ASCET, EHOOKSEHOOKS, …Manual / Technical DocumentationASCET-SE V6.3 EHOOKS Target User's Guide 12/11/2014