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INCAINCA-FLOWRealTimes ArticleA measure of experience: Measurement and evaluation system for achieving desired levels of drivability

When people buy a car, they expect to get a carefully tuned driving experience that corresponds to their chosen brand. The problem is that test vehicles do not become available until late in the development process – and even then their numbers are strictly limited. As a result, calibration engineers often have to work under intense time pressure to tune the driving behavior of numerous diff erent vehicle variants and models. Currently, …

ASCMO, INCAINCA-FLOW, …RealTimes ArticleOptimization of Gasoline Engines Optimization of Gasoline Engines Model-based calibration at Hyundai

Increasingly efficient engines and systems are being developed by Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) in order to meet the demanding requirements with respect to performance, fuel consumption, and pollutant emissions. The many degrees of freedom afforded by the large number of systems are reflected in the wide range of parameters that must be adjusted and optimized in the …

INCAINCA-FLOWTechnical ArticleGuided and automated calibration and validation of powertrain systems

Guided and automated calibration and validation of powertrain systems

Powertrain system calibration and validation faces multiple challenges. These include complex electronically controlled systems with elaborate embedded software that are used in multiple vehicle variants; demanding requirements regarding pollutant emissions, fuel consumption, and on-board diagnostics; limited numbers of test vehicles; and strict …

ASCMO, INCAINCA-FLOWTechnical ArticleOptimisation of Gasoline Engines (ATZelektronik)

In order to meet the strict new RDE testing conditions, the behavior of combustion engines must be optimized across the entire speed-load range (“global”). This goal can be achieved with the help of Gaussian processes. These machine learning methods allow the engine behavior at the test bed to be simulated with maximum probability. With the help of the new method, the measurement effort at the engine test stand could be reduced by 75 …


Efficiency gains in diesel aftertreatment systems calibration

For all types of diesel vehicles, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations require strategies that induce drivers of vehicles with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) exhaust aftertreatment systems to keep diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) on board and ensure that aftertreatment systems remain functional. In practice, the inducement takes the form of a …

INCAINCA-FLOWRealTimes ArticleEfficient Calibration Efficient Calibration

Calibrating gasoline and diesel engine management systems is a challenging task that is largely repetitive with regard to specific customer projects. Using INCA-FLOW, the calibration process can be set up for one ECU variant and then reused for others, which can significantly increase calibration efficiency.

INCAINCA-FLOWVideoWebinar: Automotive Calibration Efficiency with INCA-FLOW

ETAS INCA and INCA-FLOW can help you to easily automate calibration tasks in every environment.

INCA-FLOW is a tool for guided and automated calibration and was formerly known as CaliAV®.

Deploying best practice procedures for measurement and calibration provides for repeatable quality results and can help you to increase your efficiency.

In this webinar you can learn how customers work with INCA-FLOW to apply …
