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ASCETASCET-DEVELOPERRealTimes ArticleA Big Step Forward A Big Step Forward ETAS ASCET-DEVELOPER 7 – the easy way to safer embedded software

A click is all it takes to generate software code for the highest demands using ASCET. That has long been the case. But the new ASCET-DEVELOPER 7 can do even more. It raises the model-based development of embedded systems to a new level of safety, security, and productivity.

ASCET, LABCAR Software / System, Virtualization TechnologyDESK-LABCAR, ISOLAR-EVERealTimes ArticleContinuous Delivery of ECU Software Continuous Delivery of ECU Software Agile software development speeds up electrification

Demand for low-emission vehicles is growing all the time. To serve this high-volume market, all OEMs are developing new hybrid and electric models. To be able to deal with the high frequency of new customer requirements, the systems required to efficiently electrify the powertrain are being developed with high levels of agility. In the business unit …

ESCRYPT, LABCAR Software / SystemISOLAR-EVE, LABCAR-RTPC, SecurityRealTimes ArticleEmbedded Security Testing in Virtual Vehicles Embedded Security Testing in Virtual Vehicles Extensive hacking simulations with the help of a XiL testing environment

Modern software-controlled vehicle systems no longer only need to be functionally secure; they also require protection against attacks by cyber criminals. To test whether hacked ECUs remain secure in the context of the entire vehicle, ETAS and ESCRYPT rely on virtualization. This enables the advantages of XiL* …

INCAINCA-RDERealTimes ArticleETAS INCA-RDE ETAS INCA-RDE Determination of vehicle emissions under real-world driving conditions

Starting 2017, vehicles to be registered in EU (European Union) countries must have their real driving emissions (RDE) checked. ETAS has developed an assistant that allows test drivers to track the status of measurements in real time. This will make it possible to monitor whether RDE measurements comply with statutory limits. This assistant has been …

Corporate, ESCRYPTCorporate, SecurityRealTimes ArticleEthernet Security Ethernet Security

Secure Ethernet – an opportunity for vehicle IT

For over 40 years, the Ethernet has been an established IT standard widely used in data centers and in the consumer sector. Now it is conquering the world of modern vehicles. Following initial applications in systems without cross-domain communication, the E/E architecture is now expanding across domain boundaries. This raises questions about …

ESCRYPTSecurityRealTimes ArticleImmune System for the Connected Vehicle Immune System for the Connected Vehicle Intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS)

Increased safety and comfort. Optimized service and more enjoyable driving experiences. There is a long list of advantages to connected vehicles. However, integration into the Internet of Things also involves risks. It increases the danger of cyber attacks, and attackers are forever finding new weaknesses to exploit. Therefore, connected vehicles …

ASCMO, INCAASCMO, INCA-FLOWRealTimes ArticleOptimization of Gasoline Engines Optimization of Gasoline Engines Model-based calibration at Hyundai

Increasingly efficient engines and systems are being developed by Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) in order to meet the demanding requirements with respect to performance, fuel consumption, and pollutant emissions. The many degrees of freedom afforded by the large number of systems are reflected in the wide range of parameters that must be adjusted and optimized in the …

Virtualization TechnologyISO 26262RealTimes ArticleRobust Assistance Systems Robust Assistance Systems Iterative validation strategy

Software-controlled autonomous vehicles must be validated. But how can this be done efficiently? Because it simply isn’t possible to address all eventualities of actual traffic situations in a system specification that is drawn up in advance, robust software systems are required. Software robustness is achieved by performing tests in a virtual environment based on a catalogue of …

Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationRTA-OS PowerPCe200/GHS Port Datasheet RTA-OS – PowerPC E200 Cores with the Green Hills Compiler

RTA-OS is the new generation operating system from ETAS that conforms to the AUTOSAR OS specification and builds on the benefits of the successful RTA-OSEK product. It provides a toolsuite that includes a PC-based graphical configuration tool and adaptive OS generation capabilities to deliver flexible, fast solutions for a wide range of automotive …

ASCET, StandardsASCET-DEVELOPER, IEC 61508, ISO 26262, SecurityRealTimes ArticleSafety and Security in Code Safety and Security in Code ESDL as a basis for more secure software

In the field of embedded software, the C programming language still reigns supreme. Making sure that C code is safe and secure however, is not so easy. Increased vehicle autonomy will require an even greater reliance on vehicle software integrity than today. To meet this challenge, ETAS has developed the Embedded Software Development Language (ESDL). ESDL helps …

COSYM, Virtualization TechnologyCOSYMRealTimes ArticleSimulation and Virtualization of Vehicle Systems Simulation and Virtualization of Vehicle Systems Developing and testing distributed functions using ETAS COSYM

Automated driving functions unite multiple electronically controlled vehicle systems – how to get them into full scale production quickly while maintaining quality and competitive prices?

And what is the best design for complex drive systems with electric and combustion engines, battery, catalytic converters, and …
