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ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S4Manual / Technical DocumentationXETK-S4.2 - ETAI4 - User Guide 04/29/2019
ASCETASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR612279 04/18/2019
INCAINCA V7.2FAQ / Use CaseINCA-VoiceRecorderクイックスタートガイド INCA-VoiceRecorderクイックスタートガイド


Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationRTA-OS SA80MGHS 04/11/2019
CorporateCorporatePress ReleaseETAS and National Instruments Set-up Joint Venture to Meet Evolving Needs in Automotive Electronics Software Validation

ETAS GmbH and National Instruments (Nasdaq: NATI) have signed definitive agreements to jointly design, build, and service pre-integrated Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) systems. By pooling their strengths both companies strive for improving test and validation of software in automotive electronics, including electronic control units (ECUs) and sensors, to meet current and future customer requirements.

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR-OPERATORSoftwareLABCAR-OPERATOR V5.4.8 Hotfix 1 03/15/2019
ETK / XETK / FETKETK-S9.0Manual / Technical DocumentationETK-S9.0 User Guide

ETK-S9.0 User Guide

ETK / XETK / FETKETK-T1Manual / Technical DocumentationETK-T1.1 - User Guide

ETK-T1.1 - User Guide

ES5000ES5392Manual / Technical DocumentationES5392.1 User's Guide 02/28/2019
ES5000ES5321, ES5338, ES5350, ES5352, ES5385, …Manual / Technical DocumentationES5321, ES5338, ES5350, ES5352, ES5385, ES5436 Safety Advice 02/14/2019
INTECRIOINTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseINTECRIO: target not available in MATLAB/Simulink

In case you cannot find a target in MATLAB/Simulink to create code for INTECRIO: In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS) shows how to associate INTECRIO with MATLAB and make INTECRIO targets available.
