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ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4FAQ / Use CaseASCET error: XML file userSettings.xml is not valid. Root Tag expected. ASCET error: XML file userSettings.php is not valid. Root Tag expected.

During start up of ASCET there may appear be the error message "XML file ...userSettings.php is not valid". In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS), describes how to fix this issue and how to avoid this situation in future.

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR SystemTechnical ArticleNew test house enables seamless E/E validation

New test facility enables seamless E/E validation

The Bertrandt Group offers automakers comprehensive testing of all the components of a vehicle‘s electronic control system, ranging from test specification to ECU release. To facilitate this service, Bertrandt has set up a new test facility featuring high-performance HiL test benches. The facility offers test coverage of considerable depth and breadth and is …

EHOOKS, INTECRIOEHOOKS, INTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseSimulink error when generating code: Undefined function or variable 'common_simulink_utils'. Simulink error when generating code: Undefined function or variable 'common_simulink_utils'.

In case Simulink gives you the error "Undefined function or variable 'common_simulink_utils'.": In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS) shows you how to fix it.

ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4FAQ / Use CaseASCET Physical Experiment: How to adjust X axis of oscilloscope ASCET Physical Experiment: How to adjust X axis of oscilloscope

The oscilloscope in ASCET's Physical Experiment displays values of a time range of 1 second per default. In this article, Steffen Roser (support engineer for software engineering at ETAS), provides instructions regarding how to adjust the time axis setting.

COSYMCOSYMTechnical ArticleDevelopment and testing of distributed functions - Simulation and virtualization of vehicle systems

Development and testing of distributed functions - Simulation and virtualization of vehicle systems

Thanks to intelligent systems that automate, connect and improve vehicles’ environmental compatibility, it is now possible to design a new class of vehicle. ETAS COSYM allows manufacturers to efficiently test and validate connected, embedded systems in virtual environments.

U. Lauff, C. Störmer und D. …

ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4FAQ / Use CaseConsume ASCET web service with script in C# in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Consume ASCET web service with script in C# in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

In case you want to consume ASCET web services via a C# script in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS), provides a step by step walk trough setting up a basic example regarding consuming ASCET web services in a C# script.

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR System, LABCAR-OPERATOR, LABCAR-RTC, LABCAR-RTPCFAQ / Use CaseES5398 Global or Local Instance Numbers for Board ID ES5398 Global or Local Instance Numbers for Board ID

When to use Global or Local Instance Numbers for Board ID of ES5398


Please refer to the Known Issue Report SCODE-ANALYZER for further details on this example.


Please refer to the Known Issue Report SCODE-ANALYZER for further details on this example.


Please refer to the Known Issue Report SCODE-ANALYZER for further details on this example.

ASCET, EVE, ISOLARASCET-DEVELOPER, ISOLAR-A, ISOLAR-B, ISOLAR-EVEFAQ / Use CaseShow and hide menu options in Eclipse based tool like ISOLAR, ASCET-DEVELOPER or SCODE Show and hide menu options in Eclipse based tool like ISOLAR, ASCET-DEVELOPER or SCODE

In case you are missing a menu option in SCODE, ISOLAR or ASCET: In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS), provides the steps to show and hide menu options in Eclipse based tools.
