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ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET-RPSoftwareASCET-RP V6.2.1 Hotfix 6

ASCET-RP V6.2.1 Hotfix 6

This hotfix contains the most current bug fixes for ASCET-RP V6.2.1. The functionality of the bug fixes has been thoroughly tested and guaranteed. However, this hotfix has not been subject to the complete release tests of ASCET. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the usual high quality standards for this hotfix.

ETAS GmbH accepts no further obligation in relation to this …

ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR526651

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR-OPERATORSoftwareLABCAR-OPERATOR V5.2.1 Hotfix 4


This hotfix installation solves the following issues:

LABCAR-OPERATOR Integration Platform (IP):
  EHI#491258 – ASCET export with deselection of "use OID for Generation of Component Names" creates undefined reference to “initModel_ASCETTop”

LABCAR-OPERATOR V5.2.1 Hotfix 4 includes the content of all previous hotfixes for LABCAR-OPERATOR …

ETK / XETK / FETKETAL, ETK-S20.1Manual / Technical DocumentationETAL5 Datasheet 04/30/2016
Measurement ProbesCBNxxxManual / Technical DocumentationCBN101.1/ CBN103.1/ CBN105.1/ CBN107.1 Isolating Measurement Probe User's Guide 04/19/2016
Measurement ProbesCBNxxxManual / Technical DocumentationCBN400.1 User's Guide

CBN400.1 User's Guide

Measurement ProbesCBNxxxManual / Technical DocumentationCBN401.1 User's Guide

CBN401.1 User's Guide

Measurement ProbesCBNxxxManual / Technical DocumentationCBN420.2/ CBN421.2/ CBN422.2 Sensor cable providing bipolar sensor supply User's Guide 04/19/2016
Measurement ProbesCBNxxxManual / Technical DocumentationCBN430.2 / CBN431.2 / CBN432.2 / CBN433.2 / CBN434.2 Temperature Sensor Connection Cable User's Guide 04/19/2016
ES600ES63xManual / Technical DocumentationOpen Source Software Attributions for ES63x V1.0 04/19/2016
ASCETASCET-DEVELOPERPress ReleaseETAS Brings New Eclipse-based ASCET Version to Market ETAS Brings New Eclipse-based ASCET Version to Market

Tool chains in the automotive sector comprise a host of individual tools. These tools must all be coordinated with one another, which poses a major challenge not only for the manufacturers of the individual tools, but also for the managers and users of the tool chain.
