
Embracing female power @ ETAS

Happy International Women’s Day

On March 8, International Women’s Day is celebrated worldwide – a great opportunity to recognize the achievements and strengths of women everywhere. At ETAS, we want to mark this special day by expressing our appreciation for the amazing female power in our company and extending our heartfelt thanks.

To mark International Women’s Day, Mariella Minutolo (Executive Vice President Sales) and Nicolet Eglseder (Executive Vice President Finance and Operations), both Members of the ETAS Board of Management, share with us the inspiration and motivation that have accompanied them on their career path as women.

Mariella Minutolo: On perspectives and collaboration

Mariella Minutolo, Member of the ETAS Board, Executive Vice President Sales

What motivates you in your professional life? 

“Challenges that can only be tackled as a team, especially when that involves a mix of different perspectives – cultural, technical, commercial, etc.”

What would you like to share with other women who are pursuing a career in technology? 

“Being a woman in a team made up mainly of men gives you a unique voice – it is important to embrace that and seize the chance to shape the way we collaborate in tech.”

Nicolet Eglseder: On authenticity and enthusiasm

Nicolet Eglseder, Member of the ETAS Board, Executive Vice President Finance and Operations

What do you think is the biggest challenge for a female leader?

“Staying authentic: there are still not so many female role models out there, so there is a danger that women simply conform to male colleagues.”

What would you like to share with other women who are pursuing a career in technology?

“Seize your chance: many tech companies need to transform. There are many opportunities to inspire people by breaking with old patterns.”

Did you know?

ETAS offers opportunities specifically designed to support women in their professional development. In particular, the “Female-Mentoring-Program” and the network “Woman @ ETAS” aim to empower and support women on their path to success. The focus of both initiatives is to help women share their experience and ideas.

On that note, we wish all women an inspiring and empowering International Women’s Day!

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