Compatible Products


XCP-IP software is integrated into the automotive ECU, which can then be connected to INCA, INTECRIO or ASCET-RP. Tested with ES910 as part of MCD or RP system.


ASCET-RP is an environment for prototyping ECU functions based on ASCET models. XCP-IP provides an XCP interface to allow functions running on an ECU to be bypassed using an ASCET-RP rapid prototyping system.

INCA Software Products
INCA is used for measurement, ECU calibration, and diagnostics in the lab, on the test bench, and onboard the vehicle. It integrates a wide variety of ECU and bus interfaces and measuring devices. XCP-IP provides an XCP interface to allow ECUs to connect to INCA.

INTECRIO is a prototyping environment for ECU functions based on ASCET or MATLAB®/Simulink® models, C code modules, or AUTOSAR software components. XCP-IP provides an XCP interface to allow functions running on an ECU to be bypassed using an INTECRIO rapid prototyping system.