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ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4FAQ / Use Case[ ASCET ] WARNING (WMdl204): deprecated feature: BDE temp variables WARNING (WMdl204): deprecated feature: BDE temp variables

When generation code from ASCET model there may appear a warning regarding a deprecated feature ("BDE temp variables").

In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS) describes how to switch off this warning message.

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR-RTPCSoftwareEngineering Hardware Extension for ETAS RTPC V6.3.0/1 Engineering Hardware Extension for ETAS RTPC V6.3.0/1

For installation of Engineering Hardware Extension package please follow the instructions given in chapter 4.2.3 “Functions - Installation/Update” ETAS RTPC users guide.

The installation package provides additional hardware drivers developed as customer specific solution with previous versions of ETAS RTPC and reused “as-is” in the current RTPC software.
It is …

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR-OPERATORSoftwareLABCAR-OPERATOR V5.4.0 Hotfix 4 LABCAR-OPERATOR V5.4.0 Hotfix 4

This hotfix installation corrects the following issues:

LABCAR-OPERATOR Experiment Environment (EE):

EHI#571897 LCO V5.4.0: CN_ChangAn_Multi-RPTC download failed when targets more than 4

LABCAR-OPERATOR V5.4.0 Hotfix 4 includes the content of all previous hotfixes for LABCAR-OPERATOR V5.4.0.

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR-RTPCSoftwareLABCAR-RTPC V6.2.1 Hotfix 1

This hotfix installation solves the following issue:

EHI#571645 RTPC V6.2.1: Mozilla Browser failed to reload Main-Page -> Simulation Controller -> ends in Not Found Site

ETAS GmbH accepts no further obligation in relation to this hotfix.If you need more detailed information about the contents of the hotfixes, please feel free to contact your regional Customer Support.

Virtualization Technologymultiple productsArticle techniqueA reliable validation strategy for driver assistance systems

A reliable validation strategy for driver assistance systems

Supplementing real test drives with virtual simulations offers enormous potential for designing an efficient validation process. Yet such testing must constantly be aligned with real driving situations and the underlying scenario catalogue must be expanded in an iterative process.

Authors: Marius Feilhauer, M. Sc. and Dr.-Ing. Jürgen …

ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET-SESoftwareASCET-SE V6.2.1 Hotfix 1

ASCET-SE V6.2.1 Hotfix 1

This hotfix contains the most current bug fixes for ASCET-SE V6.2.1. The functionality of the bug fixes has been thoroughly tested and guaranteed. However, this hotfix has not been subject to the complete release tests of ASCET. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the usual high quality standards for this hotfix.

ETAS GmbH accepts no further obligation in relation to …

EVE, ISOLAR, Virtualization TechnologyAUTOSAR, ISOLAR-EVEFAQ / Use CaseIn ISOLAR-EVE: Problem Occurred - The Visual Studio compiler version is not found

Wanted to generate code for an virtual electronic control unit (VECU) in ISOLAR-EVE but received an error message. In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS), shows how to solve this situation.

ASCETASCET V6.4FAQ / Use CaseHow to create a System Constant in ASCET

System constants are used like constants, and also created as define statements. Unlike constants, system constants can be implemented. They are always explicitly visible in the generated code. In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS), describes how to create a system constant in ASCET.

ASCETASCET V6.4FAQ / Use CaseHow to create a Variant Array or Variant Matrix in ASCET

The size of an array or matrix is determined when the element is created. In addition, ASCET allows the determination of variants in array/matrix sizes via system constants. In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer Software Engineering at ETAS), describes how to create a variant array or a variant matrix in ASCET.

ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4FAQ / Use CaseIn ASCET: ERROR(MMdl20): identifier "SYSTEMCONSTANT" not declared

In case you did receive the error message when trying to execute code generation in ASCET: In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS), provides information regarding a solution, a workaround and background information.

ISOLARAUTOSAR, ISOLAR-AFAQ / Use Case[ ISOLAR ] How to get to the Tab Entity to Task Mapping How to get to the Tab Entity to Task Mapping

In case you want to edit entity to task mapping in your AUTOSAR project and cannot remember how to navigate to the according editor.

In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer for Software Engineering at ETAS), shows how to get there.
