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ASCETASCET V6.4Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR542871

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.

ASCETASCET V6.4Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR543180

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.

ASCETASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR543341

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.

ASCETASCET V6.4Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR543612

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.

INTECRIO, ISOLAR, LABCAR Software / SystemINTECRIO, ISOLAR-EVE, LABCAR-OPERATORManual / Technical DocumentationExperiment Environment V3.7 Online Help 22/09/2016
Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationRTA-OS Zynq / RVDS Release Notes 15/09/2016
Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationRTA-OS Zynq/RVDS Datasheet RTA-OS Zynq / RVDS Datasheet: Xilinx Zynq-7000 with the ARM Compiler


Features at a Glance

AUTOSAR R4.0 compliant OS Supports all scalability classes MISRA-C:2004 compliant RTOS overhead:
69 bytes RAM
0 bytes ROM Category 2 ISR latency:
182 CPU cycles



RTA-OS is the new generation operating system from ETAS that conforms to the …

Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationManuel d'utilisation des ports RTA-OS Zynq/RVDS

Manuel d'utilisation des ports RTA-OS Zynq/RVDS

ASCETASCET V6.3, ASCET-RPSoftwareASCET-RP V6.3.1 Hotfix 1 ASCET-RP V6.3.1 Hotfix 1

This hotfix contains the most current bug fixes for ASCET-RP V6.3.1. The functionality of the bug fixes has been thoroughly tested and guaranteed. However, this hotfix has not been subject to the complete release tests of ASCET. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the usual high quality standards for this hotfix.

ETAS GmbH accepts no further obligation in relation to this hotfix.

If you …

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR-RTPCSoftwareHardware Extensions for ETAS RTPC V6.2.1 Engineering Hardware Extension for ETAS RTPC V6.2.1

For installation of Engineering Hardware Extension package please follow the instructions given in chapter 4.2.3 “Functions - Installation/Update” ETAS RTPC users guide.

The installation package provides additional hardware drivers developed as customer specific solution with previous versions of ETAS RTPC and reused “as-is” in the current RTPC software.
It is not …

LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR-OPERATORSoftwareLABCAR-OPERATOR V5.3.1 Hotfix 6

This hotfix installation solves the following issues:

LABCAR-OPERATOR Integration Platform (IP): EHI#530767 LCO V5.3.1: ESS4408: Communication issues during Model Load "Wrong Session Id" ES4408 probably switched off/on. System deactivated until next initialization EHI#534886 LCO V5.3.1: Error: Migrated connection file already exists. Delete file from original project first. LABCAR-OPERATOR …