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Middleware Solution, RTAAUTOSAR Adaptive, RTA-VRTERealTimes ArticleEntering new worlds New E/E architectures with vehicle computers off er new opportunities

Automotive electronics are set to undergo profound changes driven by the megatrends connectivity and auto-mated driving. These call for completely new E/E architectures in which microprocessor-based vehicle computers (VCs) make it possible to merge domains that are currently distributed. Software based on the AUTOSAR Adaptive standard and the possibility to partition VCs …

CorporateCorporateRealTimes ArticleETAS and National Instruments set up joint venture Partnership combines software-defined platform from National Instruments with global test and validation solutions from ETAS

ETAS and National Instruments have signed an agreement to jointly design, build, and service pre-integrated Hardwarein-the-Loop (HiL) systems. The companies are pooling their strengths to optimize the testing and validation of automotive electronics software, including ECUs and sensors, to meet current and future …

Middleware Solution, RTAAUTOSAR, AUTOSAR Adaptive, RTA-VRTERealTimes ArticleETAS is the AUTOSAR partner for Safe4Rail-2 European project for safe, future-oriented railway applications

The goal of the research project Safe4RAIL-2 founded by the Shift2Rail European rail initiative, is to develop a common platform for E/E architectures and wireless traffi c networking (V2X) with high safety requirements for future trains.

CorporateCorporateRealTimes ArticleETAS – the year in pictures 20/06/2020
Multiple FamiliesAUTOSARRealTimes ArticleFlexibility through standardization AUTOSAR implementation a team success

It may seem counter-intuitive, but standardization can actually increase fl exibility. That’s because reliable, standardized basic software speeds up the process of implementing changes and new functions. One company that recently experienced these benefi ts is the Korean company Motonic, which supplies oil pump units (OPUs) to the Hyundai-Kia Motor Company (HKMC). The engineers introduced CAN FD and …

COSYMCOSYM, ISOLAR-EVE, LABCAR-MODELRealTimes ArticleFull control of charge management and more Future-proof test systems for vehicle control units

The vehicle control unit (VCU) is set to play an increasingly important role, especially in electrifi ed vehicles. Its performance capabilities make it the perfect choice for complex tasks such as coordinating all the components in the powertrain, including charge management, and handling computationally intensive, cross-domain tasks. Consequently, the VCU places major demands on the test …

INCAINCA-FLOWRealTimes ArticleINCA-FLOW – success through cooperation Guided calibration and automation increases efficiency

INCA-FLOW is an intuitive tool that allows engineers to model calibration procedures with a graphic design editor and then execute them on the connected infrastructure. Off ering major improvements to calibration efficiency, INCA-FLOW is well established in the market and currently used by around one hundred automakers and suppliers. It represents a major success for the partnership …

Middleware Solution, RTAAUTOSAR, AUTOSAR Adaptive, RTA-VRTERealTimes ArticleJointly achieving goals ETAS Early Access Program for AUTOSAR Adaptive in use

The Early Access Program (EAP*) of the platform software framework RTA-VRTE is being well received by users around the world who want to develop software for vehicle computers with the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform. The following fi gures show the dissemination in August 2019.

INCAmultiple productsRealTimes ArticleLearning INCA Introductory INCA seminar for aspiring engineers at the Werner-Siemens-Schule20/06/2020
CorporateCorporateRealTimes ArticleMilestones in ETAS history 20/06/2020
LABCAR Software / SystemLABCAR-MODELRealTimes ArticleNew domains require new models LABCAR-MODEL family of products now includes fuel cell model

The twin tasks of signifi cantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road transport and developing alternative vehicle drive systems pose a major challenge for the automotive industry. As an emission-free source of energy, the fuel cell is a promising candidate. Following years of research, ETAS has developed a simulation model of fuel cell systems for Hardware-in-the-Loop and …
