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Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS Automotive India Private LimitedTerms and ConditionsGeneral Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Engineering Services, Support Services, and Software Maintenance (ETAS India Pvt. Ltd.) 04/05/2023
Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS Automotive India Private LimitedTerms and ConditionsGeneral Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Training Services (ETAS India Pvt. Ltd.) 04/05/2023
Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS Automotive India Private LimitedTerms and ConditionsGeneral Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Products (ETAS India) General Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Hardware and Software Products (ETAS India Pvt. Ltd.)04/05/2023
Corporate, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS K.K. (Japan)Terms and ConditionsSaas に関する特定取引条件 - MODEL SIMULATOR 03/03/2023
Corporate, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS K.K. (Japan)Terms and Conditionsコンサルティングおよびサイバーセキュリティ サービスに関する取引条件 03/03/2023
Corporate, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS K.K. (Japan)Terms and ConditionsSaaS に関する取引条件 03/03/2023
Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS S.A.S. (France)Terms and ConditionsT&C Engineering Services, Support Services, and Software Maintenance (ETAS S.A.S.) General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Engineering Services, Support Services, and Software Maintenance (ETAS S.A.S., France)03/02/2023
Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS S.A.S. (France)Terms and ConditionsT&C Hardware and Software Products (ETAS S.A.S.) General Terms and Conditions (T&C) for the Supply of Hardware and Software Products (ETAS S.A.S., France)03/02/2023
Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS S.A.S. (France)Terms and ConditionsT&C Training Services (ETAS S.A.S.) General Terms and Conditions (T&C) for the Provision of Training Services (ETAS S.A.S., France)03/02/2023
Cloud Services, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS S.A.S. (France), MODEL-SIMULATORTerms and ConditionsTerms and Conditions for MODEL-SIMULATOR (ETAS S.A.S., France) Conditions générales du MODEL-SIMULATOR (ETAS S.A.S., France)

Les présentes Conditions générales s’appliquent à l’utilisation par le Client du MODEL-SIMULATOR ETAS sur la base d’un logiciel en tant que service (SaaS) fourni par ETAS SAS, Saint-Ouen/France.

Corporate, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS S.A.S. (France)Terms and ConditionsTerms and Conditions for Software as a Service (ETAS S.A.S.) 03/02/2023