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INCAMDA動画MDA V8.5.5 What’s New Presentation Video MDA V8.5.5 What’s New Presentation

In this video Matthias Gekeler, Product Manager of ETAS MDA, will guide you through the new features that were introduced in MDA V8.5.5.

Presented topics are:

00:25 Home Page – MDA8 welcomes you 01:38 Indication and extraction of measure file attachments 03:10 Resampling of measure data during export 04:42 Further categories for filtering in Variable Explorer 06:35 Multiple …
INCAMDAFAQ / Use CaseOpen measurement file in MDA V8 without write access Open measurement file in MDA V8 without write access

This document describes how a measurement file (.dat/.mf4) can be opened in a third party tool with write permission in parallel to the MDA V8.

INCAINCA V7.0, INCA V7.1FAQ / Use Caseプロジェクトインポート後にSTOPアイコンが表示されました


プロジェクトのインポート時に表示される可能性のある STOP サインの背後にある意味は何ですか

INCAINCA V7.0, INCA V7.1, INCA V7.2FAQ / Use CaseINCAでNaviLockデバイスが動作しない理由を教えてください。


※u-blox Virtual COM Portドライバがセットアップされていますが、ベンダー製のGPSテストツールではデータが表示されます。

INCA, …GETK, GETK-P4.0, RALO技術情報 / 参考文書Sensors Replace Senses – ADAS Data Acquisition for Functional Development Sensors Replace Senses – ADAS Data Acquisition for Functional Development

To develop highly automated driving functions, system developers need comprehensive measurement data. New, modular measurement technology solutions from ETAS now enable this data to be acquired and made available at every stage of development, from prototypes to pre-production vehicles.


Dr. Patrick Nickel, ETAS …
INCAMDA動画MDA V8.5.4 What’s New Presentation Video MDA V8.5.4 What’s New Presentation

In this video Matthias Gekeler, Product Manager of ETAS MDA, will guide you through the new features that were introduced in MDA V8.5.4.

Presented topics are:

00:28 Look-up tables for curves and maps 04:30 Quick filters in the Variable Explorer 07:30 Measure file replacement 08:39 Indication of export progress and support of file compression 09:36 Handling of invalid …
INCA, …ETK Tools V4.x, HSP, INCA V7.2, INCA V7.3FAQ / Use CaseWhy am I getting the TFTP error message in INCA and in XCT tool or why can I not see the firmware version from my (F/X)ETK in HSP Update Tool? 05/07/2021
INCAINCA V7.0, INCA V7.1, INCA V7.2動画INCA V7: How to enable/disable COM API logging INCA V7: How to enable/disable COM API logging

This video shows how to activate or deactivate COM API logging in INCA.
INCA COM API logging is useful to debug API scirpts for automatization.
To visualize COM API logging in INCA monitor window please
- press simultaneous "CTRL" + "SHIFT" + "User Options"
- enter password "Jodler" and
- choose "3" to enable and "4" to disable COM API logging.
Restart …

INCAMDA動画MDA V8 – Merging of Measure Files (MdfCombine.exe)

This video shows how to merge multiple measure files into one combined measure file. More information on MDA V8 is available at https://www.etas.services/mda.




INCA, …INCA V7.3, INTECRIOFAQ / Use CaseCan I make a Testpoint in Simulink available as a Measurement Label

This document describes how to configure a testpoint in Simulink to get it available as a measurement label in ETAS INTECRIO Experiment Environment or in INCA.

INCAINCA V7.2, INCA V7.3FAQ / Use CaseError message 'boost_thread-vc140-mt-1_61.dll not found' in INCA Why do I get the error message "boost_thread-vc140-mt-1_61.dll not found" when starting INCA?

This document describes how to solve the boost_thread-vc140-mt-1_61.dll error message at INCA start.
