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INCAINCA-TOUCHFlyer / Brochure / White PaperINCA-TOUCH Flyer ETAS Engineering Solution INCA-TOUCH
Measuring and calibrating during test drives

Due to considerable safety risks, more and more companies are prohibiting the use of laptops during test drives. Engineers nevertheless must take measurements to validate and calibrate the behavior of individual vehicle functions. For this purpose, they can use the INCA-TOUCH interface to operate ETAS INCA via touchscreen or with voice …

INCAINCA-TOUCH, …技術情報 / 参考文書Transforming a vision into success – A journey through the history of INCA Transforming a vision into success – A journey through the history of INCA

On April 17, 1997, ETAS launched a new product: INCA V1.0. The developers’ vision – a tool for ECU calibration that could be used by any automaker in the world – must initially have seemed like an unattainable dream. Today, this vision has been more than realized. Yet there is still more to be done, with technical innovations and the future of the automobile …

Middleware SolutionINCA-TOUCH, …Known Issue ReportKnown Issue Report for ETAS Safety Advice Known Issue Report for ETAS Safety …07/23/2019
ES800, INCAINCA-TOUCH, …RealTimes Articleテスト走行データをすべて記録

電子システムは、現代の車の神経系ともいうべきものです。近年の電子システムはよりコネクテッドな環境で動作し、安全 性に関連した機能を制御するようにもなってきていますが、このことはシステムの開発と適合、妥当性確認を一層難しいも …

INCAINCA-TOUCH, …FAQ / Use CaseUse Case: INCA-Touch 2.0 Safe and user-friendly measurement visualization INCA-Touch V2.0: Safe and user-friendly measurement visualization


Do you know this challenge?

You are a calibration engineer and you have to measure or calibrate ECU functions while driving but you’re not allowed to drive and manage your keypad simultaneously, forcing you to take time-consuming roadside stops. Due to security risks, more and more companies are prohibiting calibration work on a …
