AEE 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Kickstart Future Mobility
ETAS provides development tools, platforms, engineering and consulting services for future mobility. The development and operation of the mobility of the future - the software-defined vehicle (SDV) - requires the collection, calibration, analysis and visualisation of data in virtual and real vehicles.
At the ETAS stand, a variety of product demonstrations will be presented to help optimise the collection and processing of large amounts of data covering ICEs, EVs and ADAS/AD.
Date: May 22 -24, 2024
Time: 10:00-18:00(9:00-16:00 on May 24)
Venue: Pacifico Yokohama
URL: https://aee.expo-info.jsae.or.jp/en/yokohama/
Booth No.: 178
【MCD Integrated Tool-INCA】
With INCA, ETAS offers a flexible family of software products for calibration, diagnostics, and validation of automotive electronic systems. It comprises all functions required by development, calibration, and test engineers to validate, adapt, and debug ECU application software. In this demonstration, ETAS presents not only basic functionality but also optional addons, communication/measurement hardware devices.
【Smart Online-DoE with INCA-FLOW and ETAS ASCMO】
Introduction of an efficient automated experiment method using INCA-FLOW and ETAS ASCMO. INCA-FLOW is a test automation support tool that allows you to create test flows through graphical operations.
By linking with the model-based calibration tool ETAS ASCMO, it is possible to perform measurements while automatically excluding risky measurement conditions, reducing the risk of damage to test objects such as engines and shortening the measurement time.
【Data Analysis Solution】
The ETAS Analytics Toolbox (EATB) is a reporting tool for searching, analyzing, and graphically visualizing large amounts of measurement data in a very short time. This data can be used for system validation and evaluation. The data analysis is performed automatically with the help of freely programmable templates on the basis of MATLAB or via the graphical user interface, which are then displayed using a traffic-light format in an interactive report with a clearly structured graphical user interface.
【Control model verification environment (from virtual to real world)】
Confirming the validity of control functions early in the development phase can be expected to be effective not only in manufacturing high-quality products but also in reducing the number of man-hours in post-processing. ETAS will introduce COSYM and INTECRIO as control model verification environments.
Specializes in co-simulation of multiple models, speeding up verification of simulation scenarios including plant models and control models
Implement a control model in a simulation controller and verify the control model in the actual environment while coordinating with the actual controller.
It is a hardware interface for measuring/calibrating software running on a microcontroller-based ECU via a debug interface (JTAG/DAP, etc.). Furthermore, it is also possible to write ECU programs from INCA via ETK.
【ADAS DAQ Solution】
As the level of autonomous driving increases, the number of cameras and sensors used in automobiles will increase dramatically, and the software will also become more complex. ETAS' ADAS DAQ Solution enables the wideband data logging required during development in such situations, and even supports data replay. Therefore, it is possible to reproduce the data once logged in the vehicle in the laboratory and use it for ECU verification.
ETAS Product training...Why is that important? You can save your time, money and effort since you don't need to struggle with trouble shooting without any hint anymore! Now, web-based training is also available. Please feel free to contact us for details.