The increasing complexity of electronic systems requires an early validation of the functionality. The simulation of electronic vehicle functions is becoming increasingly important because of the shorter development time. Here, it is important to be able to integrate different functional models and code form different sources because a large number of companies (OEM, Tier 1 suppliers, Tier 2 suppliers, for instance) work on vehicle development in the automotive sector.
The ETAS INTECRIO product family enables comprehensive, reliable prototyping of electronic vehicle functions. There are two different approaches for prototyping with INTECRIO, each of which is supported by individual tools. Integration of functions with the ETAS INTECRIO integrated prototyping environment: using the integration platform INTECRIO-IP, users can integrate function models and code from various sources (such as ASCET, MATLAB® / Simulink®, C code, or AUTOSAR software components). The rapid prototyping add-on INTECRIO-RP enables real-time function validation with the ETAS prototyping hardware ES910 and RTPRO-PC. The INTECRIO-VP virtual prototyping add-on allows early validation and usage on a Windows® computer without the limitations of real-time operation. To analyze the behavior of the model during execution, INCA-EIP or INTECRIO-EE can be used. Prototyping of functions created in Simulink® using the ETAS INTECRIO-RLINK prototyping blockset: With this blockset, users can model, configure and generate function prototypes directly in Simulink®, and execute them in real time on the ETAS prototyping hardware ES910 and on RTPRO-PC. Non-real-time prototyping on Windows® computers is also supported. INCA-EIP is used to validate the behavior of the model during execution.
Regardless of the programming language taught at the university, with ETAS INTECRIO students can easily familiarize themselves with the use of state-of-the-art prototyping tools in the development of control software in the automotive industry.