ISOLAR-A: One Standard for all – AUTOSAR


AUTOSAR is now widely rolled out and accepted in the automotive sector. This standard provides the ability to more efficiently exchange software components between different development partners (e.g. OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, Tier 2 suppliers) and use them in a cost-effective and quality-enhancing way. In order to exploit these advantages, a reliable architecture tool is required. Open, cross-tool technologies and deployment by OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers in the most diverse development environments must be considered. Research projects with various partner from industry or other universities, which also poses the challenge of how to exchange software components efficiently.


In the development of single- and multicore-based AUTOSAR systems, the architectural design of the application software and the configuration of the control base software is of central importance. With the AUTOSAR architecture and ISOLAR-A configuration tool, ETAS provides a comprehensive product that benefits from the experience in the Bosch Group and from cooperation with OEMs around the world. It enables smooth collaboration between OEMs and ECU suppliers.


With ISOLAR-A, the AUTOSAR requirements can be easily integrated into existing development processes and the functionality can be expanded. This enables the development of standardized software components as well as their efficient exchange between different development partners, and across different research projects, for example.