
From left to right: Günter Gromeier (Executive Vice President Sales), Christoph Hartung (President) und Götz Nigge (Executive Vice President Operations)

Dear Readers,

Those of you familiar with ETAS will undoubtedly have spotted three new faces when you opened this issue of RealTimes. ETAS GmbH reorganized its Board of Management at the start of 2021, and we would like to use this opportunity to introduce ourselves. In this issue, you can find out more about us, our backgrounds, and how we intend to meet the new and exciting challenges that lie ahead.

Challenges are something that have dominated our lives since early last year. The pandemic has turned the world upside down, creating huge difficulties for healthcare systems. The automotive industry, too, has been hit by numerous challenges. ETAS has been affected along with many other companies in the sector, for example by the current parts shortages.

We were compelled to find new ways of working together. Physical distancing and working from home were important from the outset, but we also focused more than ever on the idea of being stronger together. Of course, the automotive industry is also facing many other challenges, from automated driving and e-mobility to connectivity and new business models. New methods are required to continuously improve automotive software and bring it to market much faster, all without compromising safety. Teamwork is essential here – just like it is in activities such as whitewater rafting. Successfully navigating a river is something that can only be done as a team. If the boat tips over, life jackets ensure that nobody goes down, so everyone can get back on board and keep moving forward.

We already offer an extensive portfolio of promising solutions to help you develop automotive software, and we have plenty of other sustainable approaches in the pipeline. Agile methods, cloud-based solutions, and perfectly harmonized development solutions are the key to success. To find out more, check out our articles on work methodologies of the future.

This issue also includes fascinating insights into exciting customer projects from around the world, such as model-based development at Nissan, the use of EHANDBOOK at Audi, and the use of ETAS ASCMO-MOCA at Hyundai Motors. We also reveal how measurement data can replace human senses and explain how to successfully master the testing and validation of fuel cell ECUs.

Perhaps you want to take a look behind the scenes at ETAS? This issue includes a report on how ETAS hardware is tested in production and how this contributes to the high quality of ETAS products. And we also invite you to join us on a brief journey through the history of INCA.

We hope you enjoy reading this year‘s issue of RealTimes. We look forward to working together with you, our customers and partners, to meet the new challenges. And we intend to continue to provide the very best support for your current and future projects. Many thanks for the trust you have placed in us. Stay healthy!

Christoph Hartung, Günter Gromeier and Götz Nigge

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