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ASCMO, …ASCMO, INCA-FLOWFlyer / Brochure / White PaperAutomated in-vehicle engine calibration to optimize emissions levels using machine learning Automated in-vehicle engine calibration to optimize emissions levels using machine learning

The growing concern with environmental impact is a major drive for the tighter emissions imposed on combustion engines. The compliance with those restrictions is pushing new hardware and software solutions that, nevertheless, increase system complexity leading to more iterations and hence longer development time, a risk to profitability. In this …

ASCMOASCMO, ASCMO-MOCARealTimes ArticleAutomated optimization of ECU function calibration Automated optimization of ECU function calibration Hyundai Motor’s successful approach to automating and optimizing calibrations Hyundai Motor improves calibration efficiency through automated mapping optimization

As engines are increasingly equipped with various actuators for better performance, fuel efficiency, and tighter emissions regulations, the complexity and degrees of freedom of engine systems are also increasing. …

ASCMO, …ASCMO, ASCMO-MOCA, COSYM, EATBRealTimes ArticleDeveloping low-emission powertrains with AI and in the cloud Developing low-emission powertrains with AI and in the cloud Huge efficiency gains from cloud-based simulation

The adoption of real-world driving emissions in vehicle emissions legislation has introduced a new measure of complexity to powertrain development, which was already a costly and complex process. To prevent further escalation of the time and cost involved, ETAS is pushing ahead with the virtualization of road and bench testing. …

ASCMOASCMORealTimes ArticleEmbedded Artificial Intelligence: New capabilities in engine controls development Embedded Artificial Intelligence New capabilities in engine controls development

The latest engine control units (ECUs) come with a new generation of high-performance system-on-chips to increase available computational power. These devices have the ability to provide onboard resources to support unexpected feature growth and on-demand customer requirements. Infineon and ETAS worked together with Ford Research to demonstrate the use of …

ASCMOASCMO-MOCA動画Optimization of Model Parameters with ASCMO-MOCA Optimization of Model Parameters with ASCMO-MOCA

The focus of this video is to show the basics of efficient optimization of parameters in physics based models such as those used in the ECU and simulation environment.

We will explain how the simple and intuitive operation of the ETAS ASCMO-MOCA tool can be used to efficiently perform even complex optimization tasks.


ASCMOASCMOManual / Technical DocumentationOSS Attributions for ASCMO

OSS Attributions for ASCMO

ASCMO, …ASCMO, INCA-FLOWRealTimes Articleガソリンエンジンの最適化 ガソリンエンジンの最適化 Hyundaiにおけるモデルベース適合

Hyundai Motor …

ASCMO, …ASCET V6.0, ASCET V6.1, ASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4, …FAQ / Use CaseASCET: How to create an ASCET PSL model ASCET: How to create an ASCET PSL model

I want to use an ASCET model for calibration with ETAS ASCMO-MOCA. In this article, Steffen Roser (Support Engineer at ETAS) provides hints and screenshots regarding how to generate an ASCET-PSL model that can be imported to ASCMO-MOCA.

ASCMO, …INCA-FLOW技術情報 / 参考文書ガソリンエンジンの最適化(出典:ATZelektronik) 07/18/2017
ASCMO, …ETAS License Manager (LiMa)FAQ / Use CaseInstallation of component ETAS License Manager (x86) failed. Error Code 1603

Installation or uninstallation of any ETAS product failed. Error message was: Installation of Package 'ETAS License Manager (x86)' failed with error code '1603' and error message 'Fatal error during installation.'. This behavior occurs for many reasons and also specific to the system. The most often reasons and according resolutions are listed in this FAQ article.

ASCMOASCMOFAQ / Use CaseA simple approach to solving transient problems with ETAS ASCMO

In engine calibration, DoE (Design of Experiments) is a widely used method for solving multi-parameter problems with conflicting goals. The models typically used with this method are limited to stationary problems and are unable to represent transient characteristics of dynamic systems. Although highly accurate models exist and are available with tools like ETAS ASCMO-DYNAMIC, the high complexity of the transient DoE process comes with a much …
