
ETAS Support achieves a high level of satisfaction

Feedback from our customers is a guiding factor in our decision-making and the influencing of innovations and changes to our products. It’s also essential for measuring customer satisfaction among our current customers. Especially relevant is the Net Promoter Score, which provides information about the probability of repeat customers. It allows companies to forecast the potential growth, revenue, and health of their brand.

For ten years in a row, the services of ETAS Support have been comprehensively evaluated in annual customer surveys. The results available for 2021 reflect a high level of customer satisfaction with respect to the quality of support provided, the customer proximity and availability, and the profound expertise at ETAS.

Feedback from more than 600 respondents allowed for a precise description of the customers’ attitude toward ETAS Support. Particularly noteworthy is the Net Promoter Score (in the range of 50 %), which exceeds the average value of this business segment (approx. 30 %) significantly.

In addition, the numerous positive and the few critical text messages allowed for sound conclusions about how customer expectations are met by ETAS Support.

In summary, a big thank you to all the participants. The results obtained because of their efforts will help us prepare and plan for the needs of our future customers.


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Chungyu Chang

ETAS Support

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