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COSYM CAR enables the user to import System and ECU Extracts to the Classic AUTOSAR standard, and to author, change, update, visualize and export. Scope of purchase Perpetual, machine-named license.

ASCETASCET V6.4, ASCET-DEVELOPER, ASCET-MDKnown Issue ReportKnown Issue Report ASCET Known Issue Report ASCET

Trotz sorgfältiger Entwicklung und umfangreicher Freigabetests im Rahmen der Marktbeobachtung stellen wir von Zeit zu Zeit Fehler in unseren Produkten fest. Probleme mit geringen Auswirkungen werden im Rahmen der regelmäßigen Wartungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten bearbeitet.

Für Probleme größerer Bedeutung stellen wir Ihnen einen Known Issue …


COSYM V3.4.1 is the latest release of COSYM product line focusing on SiL and MiL use case.

COSYM V3.4.1 introduces several new concepts and features and is shipped with an extended user interface. The main new features are:

COSYM installation is supported at folder level with folder name having space. Slider instrument extended to control an in-port of scalar type. Inform user if required environment …
ASCETASCET V6.4SoftwareASCET V6.4.5 Hotfix 11 ASCET V6.4.5 Hotfix 11

This hotfix contains the most current bug fixes for ASCET V6.4.5. The functionality of the bug fixes has been thoroughly tested and guaranteed. However, this hotfix has not been subject to the complete release tests of ASCET. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the usual high quality standards for this hotfix.

ETAS GmbH accepts no further obligation in relation to this hotfix.

If you need …

INCAMeasurement and Calibration Gateway, SOME/IPFlyer / Brochure / White PaperMeasurement & Calibration for μP-based vehicle computers 30.05.2024
ASCMOASCMOManual / Technical DocumentationETAS ASCMO Release Notes 29.05.2024
INCAMDAVideoMDA V8.7.0 – What’s New Presentation Video

In diesem Video stellt Ihnen Matthias Gekeler, Produktmanager bei ETAS für MDA, die neuen Funktionen des MDA V8.7.0 vor

Die Themen sind:

0:24     Austausch von unterschiedlichen Konfigurationsinhalten zwischen verschiedenen MDA Versionen 3:00     Neues Instrument: Batterie-Zellspannung-Diagramm 4:33     Erweiterung bei der Variablenauswahl: Neue …
Cloud ServicesVECU-BUILDERManual / Technical DocumentationVECU-BUILDER V1.6 Product Documentation 28.05.2024
CorporateCorporateFlyer / Brochure / White PaperETAS-Rambus iHSM-64x Family ETAS-Rambus iHSM-64x Family

ISO 26262 ASIL-B / ISO 21434 CSMS family of integrated hardware security modules (iHSM) for automotive applications.

Middleware Solution, RTAAUTOSAR Classic, RTA-CARFlyer / Brochure / White PaperRTA-CAR Flyer 16.05.2024
Middleware Solution, RTAAUTOSAR Classic, RTA-CARSoftwareRTA-CAR FSQP V12.3.0 Download package for Functional Safety Qualification Package for RTA-CAR 12.3.0: ISOLAR-A V12.3.0 ISOLAR-B V12.3.0 RTA-BSW V12.3.0 RTA-RTE V12.3.1 RTA-OS V12.3.0 11.05.2024