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Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS K.K. (Japan)Terms and ConditionsTerms and Conditions for provision of Software and Hardware free of charge (ETAS K.K.) 05.09.2023
Consulting, ESCRYPTCorporate, Cybersecurity Services, Cybersecurity SolutionsFlyer / Brochure / White PaperCybersecurity for the software- defined vehicle 02.09.2023

Product documentation and stand-alone installer for Microsoft Windows.

ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ is a tool that perform protocol fuzz tests in automotive network. A fuzz testing comprises sending several random or pseudo-random messages to a certain target ECU and checking its response to diagnose any potential issue, called “findings”.

CorporateETAS K.K. (Japan)SpecificationNew software provision process [Japanese only] 08.08.2023
ASCMO, INCAASCMO, INCA-FLOWFlyer / Brochure / White PaperFuel Cell Stack Power Prediction Model Using Gaussian Process Regression Mode Modell zur Vorhersage der Leistung von Brennstoffzellen-Stacks mittels dem Gaußschen Prozess-Regressionsmodus

Ein Modell zur Vorhersage der Stack-Leistung von Brennstoffzellen, das die verschiedenen Parameter der Stack-Steuerung berücksichtigt, ist wichtig für die Optimierung der Steuerung der einzelnen Nebenaggregate in einem System, das dem eines echten Fahrzeugs entspricht.

Die Erstellung eines Modells zur …

Cloud ServicesVECU-BUILDERManual / Technical DocumentationVECU-BUILDER V1.2 Product Documentation 05.08.2023
ETK / XETK / FETKGETK, GETK-P4.0Manual / Technical DocumentationGETK P4 Housing Model 03.08.2023
Cloud ServicesVECU-BUILDERManual / Technical DocumentationVECU-BUILDER V1.3 Product Documentation 03.08.2023
Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSSoftwareES RTA-OS RCar-X3-R7-GHS| Software 2.0.0 Download Package ES RTA-OS RCar-X3-R7-GHS| Software 2.0.0 Download Package21.07.2023
Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSSoftwareES RTA-OS TRITASK SC34| Software 5.0.21 Download Package ES RTA-OS TRITASK SC34| Software 5.0.21 Download Package21.07.2023
INTECRIOINTECRIO, INTECRIO-RLINKManual / Technical DocumentationINTECRIO V5.0.5 What's new INTECRIO V5.0.5 – What's new21.07.2023