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ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S23Manual / Technical DocumentationXETK-S23.0 - User Guide XETK-S23.0 - User Guide31.03.2023
CorporateETAS K.K. (Japan)SpecificationHandling of licenses without SSP [Japanese only] Handling of licenses without SSP [Japanese only]24.03.2023
CorporateETAS K.K. (Japan)SpecificationINCA download site changes [Japanese only] INCA download site changes [Japanese only]24.03.2023
CorporateETAS K.K. (Japan)SpecificationNew products and features [Japanese only] New products and features [Japanese only]24.03.2023
CorporateETAS K.K. (Japan)SpecificationSales Support Discontinuance [Japanese only] Sales Support Discontinuance [Japanese only]24.03.2023
ASCETASCET V6.1, ASCET V6.2Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR714115 ASCET Example PR714115

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.

CorporateCorporateFlyer / Brochure / White PaperOverview of ETAS Solutions and Products (Korean only) 11.03.2023
COSYM, Multiple Families, Virtualization TechnologyCOSYM, MODEL-SIMULATOR, VECU-BUILDERFachbeitragMessen und Testen des Ansauglufttemperatur-Regelungssystems Messen und Testen des Ansauglufttemperatur-Regelungssystems

Mit Blick auf die kommende Abgasnorm Euro 7 arbeitet die Hyundai Motor Company an einer aktiven Kühlung der Ansaugluft für turboaufgeladene Ottomotoren. Weil die Temperaturregelung für alle Betriebsbereiche des Motors optimiert werden muss, ist ihre Auslegung sehr zeitaufwendig. Mit einer Cloudsimulationslösung von ETAS konnte Hyundai den Entwicklungsprozess …

Corporate, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS K.K. (Japan)Terms and ConditionsSpecific Terms and Conditions for Software as a Service for Model Simulator (ETAS K.K.) 03.03.2023
Corporate, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS K.K. (Japan)Terms and ConditionsTerms and Conditions for Consulting and Cyber Security Services (ETAS K.K.) 03.03.2023
Corporate, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS K.K. (Japan)Terms and ConditionsTerms and Conditions for Software as a Service (ETAS K.K.) 03.03.2023